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Use the DOAJ to find open access journals pertaining to Philosophy.
Titles |
Call nos |
Agriculture and Human Values | S1 .A371 Sci. Library, per |
Aitia | B1.A43 |
American Philosophical Quarterly | B1 .A6 |
Analysis | B1 .A11; 105;A532 (: v.1:no.(1933:Nov.)-v.29:no.131(1969:Apr.) in Storage) |
Ancient Philosophy | B1.A535 |
Apeiron | B1 .A6 |
Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie |
B3 .A69; 105;A673 (up to 1970 in Storage) |
Auslegung | B1.A78 |
Australasian Journal of Philosophy | B1 .A8; 105;A938 (1923-1979) in Storage |
Axiomathes | |
Bibliographie de la Philosophie | Z7127.B5 |
Bioethics | QH 332 .B56 |
Biology and Philosophy | Science Library QH331 .B47 |
British journal for the philosophy of science | Q175 .B787 (Science Periodicals) |
British Journal of Aesthetics | BH1.B7; 105 B8624 (v.1(1960:Nov.)-v.7(1967)in Storage) |
Canadian Journal of Philosophy | B1.C36 |
Canadian Philosophical Reviews | B1;.C365 |
Carmina Philosophiae | B659.Z7A13 |
Continental Philosophy Review* | 105 M266 (v.31:no.1(1998:Jan.)-v.36:no.3(2003:July) |
Dialectica | B1 .A15 |
Dialogue | B1 .D5 |
Economics and Philosophy | HB1 .E526 |
Erkenntnis* | 105J863 |
Ethics; An International Journal of Social Political and Legal Philosophy | BJ1 .I6 |
Explorations in Knowledge | B67.E96 |
Francis Bulletin Signaletique | Z1011.B936;SEC.519 |
Hegel-Studien | B2900.H43, B2900;.H432 |
History of Philosophy Quarterly: HPQ | B61;.H57 |
Humanist | B821.A1 H8; 144.05H918 (1941-1979) in storage |
Hume Studies | B1450;.H8 |
Idealistic Studies | B823 .I33; 141.05;I19 (1971-1979) in Storage |
Inquiry | |
International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers | B35.I55 |
International Journal For Philosophy of Religion* | 200.5 I612 |
International Journal of Applied Philosophy | BJ 1.A66 |
International Journal of Ethics Vols. 1-48 (Issue 2), 1890-1938 | |
International Philosophical Bibliography | Z7127.R42 |
International Philosophical Quarterly | B1. I2; 105. I12 (1961-1982) in Storage |
International studies in philosophy | B1 .A255 |
Journal for General Philosophy of Science | Science Library Q3 .Z32 |
JBSP; The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology | B829.5 .B69;142.705B862J (v.1(1970)-v.10(1979) in Storage |
Journal for General Philosophy of Science | Q3.Z32 |
Journal of Indian Philosophy* | 181.405 J86 in Storage |
Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics | BJ52.5.J68 |
Journal of Applied Philosophy | B1;.J59 |
Journal of Near-Death Studies | |
Journal of Philosophical Logic* | 160.5;J864 in Storage |
Journal of Philosophical Research: JPR | B1.P575 |
Journal of Philosophy | B1.J6; 105;J86 (1921-1955) in Storage |
Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods (1904-1920) | |
Journal of Social Philosophy | H1.J565; 300.5.J864 (v.1(1970)-v.8(1977)) in Storage |
Journal of Speculative Philosophy | B1 .J7 |
Journal of the History of Philosophy | B1 .A214 |
Journal of Symbolic Logic | Science Library, BC 1 .J6 |
Journal of the History of Ideas* | B1.J75; 051.J86 (1940-1999) |
Journal of Value Inquiry | BD 232;.J68 |
Kant-Studien; Philosophische Zeitschrift | 193K16YKA |
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | QH332.K46 |
Law and Philosophy | Legal Information Center P L41524 |
Linguistics and Philosophy | P L41524 |
Man and World | 105M266 (1971-1997) in Storage |
Medicine, Health Care & Philosophy | |
Medieval Philosophy & Theology | B721 .M454 |
Metaphilosophy | B1 .M46 |
Midwest Studies in Philosophy | Call no varies |
Mind & Language | P37.M55 |
Mind | B1.M65; 105.5M663 (v.1(1876)-v.3(1878), v.7(1882)-v.14(1889) new ser.: v.39(1930)-new ser.: v.100(1991)) in Storage |
Modern Schoolman | B1 .M675; 105M689 (1925-1979) in Storage |
Monist | B1 .M7; 105;M744; 105 M744 (1890-1979) in Storage |
Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy | B63.N49 |
Nietzsche-Studien | B3310.N63 |
Noûs | B1.N62 |
The Owl of Minerva : biannual journal of the Hegel Society of America |
B2900 .094 |
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy | B111.093 |
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly | AP2. P46 |
Perspectives on science : historical, philosophical, social | Q124.6.P37 Marston Science Library |
Philosophia | B1.P457 |
Philosophical Books | Z7127 .P48; 108.22;P568 (v.1(1960)-v.18(1977)) in Storage |
Philosophical Forum | B1 .P475 |
Philosophical Investigations | B1.P477 |
Philosophical Perspectives | B1 .P485 |
Philosophical Psychology | BF 1.P47 |
Philosophical Quarterly* | B1 .P49; 105 P5686 (v.30) |
Philosophical Review | B1 .P5; 105 P568 (v.60 (1951) v.64 (1955) v.66(1957) v.73 (1964)) in Storage |
Philosophical Studies* | 107 P5686 |
Philosophical Topics | B1 .S58 |
Philosophische Rundschau | B3 .P67 |
Philosophy: the journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy | B1 .P55; 105 P5685 (v.6:no.22(1931:Apr.)-v.39(1964) in Storage |
Philosophy and Public Affairs | H1 .P54; 301.05 P568 (v.1:no.2(1971)-v.23(1994) in Storage |
Philosophy & Social Criticism | AS 30.C84 |
Philosophy & Literature | PN2.P5 |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | B1 .P57; 105 P5682 (v.43 (1982/83) v.44 (1983/84) v.51 (1991) v.13 (Sept.1952-Je.1953)) in Storage |
Philosophy East & West | B1 .P573; 105P5688 (v.1(1951)-v.19(1969)) in Storage |
Philosophy Now: A Magazine of Philosophy | B1.P5 |
Philosophy of Science | Q1.P55 |
Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology | RC437.5 .P438 |
Philosophy Today | B1 .P576 |
Philosophy; the journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy | B1 .P55; 105 P5685 (v.6:no.22(1931:Apr.)-v.39(1964)) in Storage |
Phronesis | B1 .P59 |
Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association | B11 .A52 ; 106;A5112P (1955-58) in Storage |
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society | 106 A717 |
Process Studies | BD372.P75 |
Ratio | B1 .R27 |
Research in Phenomenology | B829.5 .R47 |
Review of Metaphysics | B1 .R34; 110.5R454 (v.1(1947)-v.30(1977)) in Storage |
Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale | B2 .R2; 105R454 (v.1(1893)-v.74(1969)) in Storage |
Revue Internationale de Philosophie | B1 .A24; 105;R4542 (v.1:no 1(1938)-v.17:no 63(1963), v.17:no 65(1963)-v.26(1972)) in Storage |
Revue Philosophique de Louvain | B2 .R42; 105R4547 (Serie 3: v..44(1946)-Serie 3: v..68(1970)) in Storage |
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement | Call no varies. |
Russell | B1649.R94 A17 |
Science, Technology & Human Values | BJ 57.S3336 |
Social Epistemology | BD175;.S62 |
Southern Journal of Philosophy | B1.S57 |
Studia Leibnitiana | B2550 .S8 |
Studia Logica | 160.5;S933 |
Studies in Philosophy and Education | Education Library 105 S933 |
Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy | B21 .S78 |
Synthese | AP1 .S9, Sci Library |
Teaching Philosophy | B52.T37 |
Telos | H1 .T44; 105T277 (v.1(1969:spring) v.4(1969:winter)-v.7(1971:fall) v.9(1972:spring)-v.11(1972:fall) v.13(1973)-v.38(1979)) in Storage |
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethcs | |
Theoria | B1 .A27; 105 T396 (v.3:pt.1(1937)-v.7:pt.2(1941) v.8(1942)-v.34(1968)) in Storage |
Theory and Decision | 300.5 T396 |
Thomist | BX801 .T5 ; 189.405T465 (v.1(1939)-v.38(1974)) in Storage |
Topoi | B1.T66 |
Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society | B 945.P44;047 |
Year book - The American Philosophical Society | Q11.P613 |
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