Religious Studies

This will feature an array of research tools in Religious Studies to support primarily the research of students and faculty at the University of Florida.

Basic Info about the Libraries

Visit the George A. Smathers Libraries homepage to discover all kinds of information about the Libraries.

There are seven libraries on the UF campus. Find them on this map and visit each location to explore the various spaces, collections, and technology.

Our hours page will tell you when the different libraries are open.

Visit our Borrowing and Other Privileges page to find out what borrowing and other privileges are available to you.

Access your accounts from the My Accounts page.

Connect with specialist librarians through the Subject/Area Specialists page. The specialist librarian for Religion is Megan Daly. Feel free to contact her with any library questions related to Religious Studies.

Religious Studies students who double major in Religion and another area of study are encouraged to meet the subject specialist librarian in their other area of study.

Before starting any research from off campus, be sure you log in through the UF VPN or library proxy server first. This will ensure that you can connect to the library electronic materials. If you are on campus, you should already be connected!

Check out these video tutorials for more information on how to get started!

Librarian of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion

Profile Photo
Megan M. Daly
514 Library West
University of Florida Home Page

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