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Social and Behavioral Sciences: Home

A guide for Social and Behavioral Science in the College of Public Health and Health Professions

Health Assessments

Association for Community Health Improvement - Community Health Assessment Toolkit 

University of Kansas Community Toolbox 

Health Communication

Health Communication Materials Database From Health Communication Partnership (Hopkins Bloomberg SPH, Tulane's SPH& Tropical Medicine, International AIDS Alliance, Save the Children & Academic of Educational Development.)

Health Communication Science Digest - monthly collection of journal links to recent articles and reports relevance to PH communication community.

Past National Conferences on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media. CDC. Presentations and materials.

Health Communications Internship Program - high qualified and RECENT grad degree recipients participate in health & science communication projects in one of the many National Cancer Institute offices.

Coalition for Health Communication Info on funding/grad ed/job op'ties, conferences, calls for papers, a slightly-outdated PDF list and some web resources on Health Communication.

Communicating Risks and Benefits: An Evidence-Based User's Guide. Baruch Fischhoff, Noel T. Brewer,Julie S. Downs, eds. Silver Spring, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration: August 2011.

Gateway to Health Communication & Social Marketing Practice Introduces the fundamentals of health literacy and demonstrates the importance of health literacy within public health practice.

Public health communication : critical tools and strategies. Claudia F. Parvanta, David E. Nelson, Richard N. Harner, Editors.  Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018. (Ebook only available if logged in through UF as a UF affiliate.)

Special topics in Social/Behavioral Science

Database on Obesity and Sedential Behaviour Studies studies from around the world using a variety of designs to explore the association between obesity and sedentary behavior.

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Surveys  Findings from a nationally-representative telephone survey that collects detailed info on sexual violence, stalking and intimate partner violence victimization of adult men and women in the U.S.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA) - research data for assessment of problems and posible effect of their treatment.

Public Health Databases

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Health Promotion

Maternal-Child, Adolescent and Reproductive Health

Health Education

HEDIR - professional website for professional health educators and students being prepared as health educators or people with a truly vested interest in health education.

Evidence base for Social-Behavioral Research/Work

Campbell Collaboration - The social-behavioral parallel of the Cochrane (biomedical) evidence based databases. Covers education, crime, politics/economy, social policy/system/problems, land use, social impact of technology.

Specific Populations

Office of Minority Health US government


Women's Health US government portal of information and electronic publications

CDC Men's Health , MedlinePlus Men's Health, Mens Health Network


Nemours' Kids Health, American Academy of Pediatrics' Healthy Children, MedlinePlus's Childrenn's Health

Office of Adolescent Health (US Govt), WHO Adolescent Health , Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, MedlinePlus Teen Health , Healthy People 2020 Adolescent Health CDC's Adolescent and School Health

NIH Senior Health, MedlinePlus Seniors' Health


African Americans: CDC's Black or African American Populations , Center for African American Health, MedlinePlus's African American Health

Asian Americans: Asian American Health (US) National Library of Medicine's portal of links to health organizations, reports and websites on specific issues and materials in a limited number of Asian languages, ALso  CDC's Asian-American Populations

Hispanic or Latino Health:  CDC's Hispanic-Latino Populations, MedlinePlus's Hispanic American Health, Hispanic Access Foundation (some statistics and publications)

Native Americans: CDC's American Indian & Alaskan Native Populations  , National Library of Medicine's American Indian Health , MedlinePlus Native American Health , Indian Health Service.

130 years of Immigrant Health Online exhibition by the National Library of Medicine

Sexual Orientation

CDC's Lesbian, Gay, Biseuxal and Transgender Health ; MedlinePlus's Gay, Lesbia, Bisexual and Transgender Health,  National Center for Transgnender Equality

Public Health Ethics

Principles of Ethical Practice of Public Health from the American Publci Health Association

Skills for the Ethical Practice of Public Health from the Public Health Leadership Society

Code of Ethics for Health Education Professionals  from the Society of Public Health Education


Genetics Home Reference - From National Center for Biotechnology Information, intended for consumers so potentially useful for health education/promotion

Genetic Testing Registry  search by tests, conditions, genes, genetic mutations and laboratories. Data will include the purpose of each genetic test and its limitations; the name and location of the test provider; whether it is a clinical or research test; what methods are used; and what is measured. Also includes context-specific links to practice guidelines and genetic, scientific and literature resources available through the National Library of Medicine.  GTR Identifies those genetic tests that FDA has cleared/approved as safe and effective (most laboratory developed tests currently do not require FDA premarket review.) Genetic test providers will be solely responsible for the content and quality of the data they submit to GTR. NIH will not verify the content but will require submitters to agree to a code of conduct that stipulates that the information they provide is accurate and updated on an annual basis. GTR will contain no confidential information about people who receive genetic tests or individual test results. 

Health Equity

Literature of possible interest

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