Heritage speakers are native speakers of a minority language they learn at home, but due to socio-political pressure from the majority language spoken in their community, their heritage language does not fully develop. In the last decade, the acquisition of heritage languages has become a central focus of study within linguistics and applied linguistics. This work centres on the grammatical development of the heritage language and the language learning trajectory of heritage speakers, synthesizing recent experimental research. The Acquisition of Heritage Languages offers a global perspective, with a wealth of examples from heritage languages around the world. Written in an accessible style, this authoritative and up-to-date text is essential reading for professionals, students, and researchers of all levels working in the fields of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, education, language policies and language teaching.
This book provides a pioneering introduction to heritage languages and their speakers, written by one of the founders of this new field. Using examples from a wide range of languages, it covers all the main components of grammar, including phonetics and phonology, morphology and morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics, and shows easy familiarity with approaches ranging from formal grammar to typology, from sociolinguistics to child language acquisition and other relevant aspects of psycholinguistics. The book offers analysis of resilient and vulnerable domains in heritage languages, with a special emphasis on recurrent structural properties that occur across multiple heritage languages. It is explicit about instances where, based on our current knowledge, we are unable to reach a clear decision on a particular claim or analytical point, and therefore provides a much-needed resource for future research.
Bringing together contributions from some of the leading experts in the field of Spanish as a Heritage Language, this volume aims to provide an in-depth understanding of current and emerging trends in research and praxis. To this end, the volume is divided into three thematic units. The first unit surveys the study of Spanish heritage speaker bilingualism from a formal/theoretical linguistic point of view. The second unit focuses on issues shaping the current state of affairs in heritage language education. Finally, the third unit maps out future lines of development within heritage language instruction. The wide topical scope within this single volume will undoubtedly provide a valuable resource for researchers, students, and professionals working in different areas of Spanish as a heritage language.
Aproximaciones al estudio del español como lengua de herencia reúne diversas perspectivas sobre el estudio del español como lengua de herencia en el contexto de los Estados Unidos. El volumen presenta una amplia gama de enfoques lingüísticos, modelos pedagógicos e innovaciones programáticas. Dirigido a investigadores noveles y experimentados, al igual que a estudiantes y profesionales de la enseñanza, es un volumen ideal para aquellas personas que desean actualizar sus conocimientos del campo y obtener una perspectiva panorámica sobre la investigación y la enseñanza del español como lengua de herencia. Características principales: temas que incluyen, entre otros, la fonología/la fonética, la morfosintaxis, la pragmática, la enseñanza mediante el enfoque por tareas, la literacidad múltiple, el translenguar, los programas de community college, el español para fines específicos y la investigación-acción; contenidos teóricos, empíricos y pragmáticos relevantes para la enseñanza del español como lengua de herencia; descripciones y ejemplos que facilitan la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la materia; diferentes secciones que permiten la flexibilidad en cuanto al orden de lectura del volumen; preguntas de reflexión al final de cada capítulo para facilitar la comprensión de los temas presentados. Escrito de manera clara y accesible, Aproximaciones al estudio del español como lengua de herencia es un recurso indispensable para cursos de grado y posgrado en español sobre el español como lengua de herencia.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language brings together contributions from leading linguists, educators and Latino Studies scholars involved in teaching and working with Spanish heritage language speakers. This state-of-the-art overview covers a range of topics within five broad areas: Spanish in U.S. public life, Spanish heritage language use and systems, educational contexts, Latino studies perspectives and Spanish outside the U.S.¿ The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language addresses for the first time the linguistic, educational and social aspects of heritage Spanish speakers in one volume making it an indispensable reference for anyone working with Spanish as a heritage language.
**Honored as a 2013 Choice Outstanding Academic Title** Comprising state-of-the-art research, this substantially expanded and revised Handbook discusses the latest global and interdisciplinary issues across bilingualism and multilingualism. Includes the addition of ten new authors to the contributor team, and coverage of seven new topics ranging from global media to heritage language learning. Provides extensively revised coverage of bilingual and multilingual communities, polyglot aphasia, creolization, indigenization, linguistic ecology and endangered languages, multilingualism, and forensic linguistics. Brings together a global team of internationally-renowned researchers from different disciplines. Covers a wide variety of topics, ranging from neuro- and psycho-linguistic research to studies of media and psychological counseling. Assesses the latest issues in worldwide linguistics, including the phenomena and the conceptualization of 'hyperglobalization', and emphasizes geographical centers of global conflict and commerce.
Esta amplia introducción al bilingüismo en español abarca los contextos sociales, políticos y culturales del español en EEUU, España y Hispanoamérica. Escrito para estudiantes no nativos de español, es el primer libro de texto de estas características para los estudiantes de lingüística hispánica. Este libro de texto en español presenta los temas fundamentales en el estudio del bilingüismo a estudiantes y profesionales Explora comunidades bilingües en Estados Unidos, Hispanoamérica y España Crea conciencia crítica sobre la complejidad del bilingüismo como un fenómeno sociopolítico y cultural Se organiza en tres secciones principales centradas en la sociedad y el individuo: el bilingüismo y la sociedad; el bilingüismo y el individuo; y la política y la educación Incluye mapas, recuadros de resumen del capítulo, vocabulario y conceptos clave y preguntas de comprensión, así como preguntas para reflexionar, investigar y comentar al final de cada capítulo.
Diego Pascual y Cabo (Ph.D., University of Florida), Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics. Bilingualism, heritage language teaching and learning. Director of Spanish Heritage Language program.
Email (dpascual@ufl.edu)
Víctor M. Jordán-Orozco (Ph.D., University of Florida). Senior Lecturer. Coordinator of Heritage Spanish courses.
Email (vjordan@ufl.edu)
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