Introduction to Pragmatics guides students through traditional and new approaches in the field, focusing particularly on phenomena at the elusive semantics/pragmatics boundary to explore the role of context in linguistic communication. Offers students an accessible introduction and an up-to-date survey of the field, encompassing both established and new approaches to pragmatics. Addresses the traditional range of topics - such as implicature, reference, presupposition, and speech acts - as well as newer areas of research, including neo-Gricean theories, Relevance Theory, information structure, inference, and dynamic approaches to meaning. Explores the relationship and boundaries between semantics and pragmatics. Ideal for students coming to pragmatics for the first time.
This introduction to pragmatics - the study of language in use - provides an authoritative and comprehensive account of its central topics and a guide to the latest research. It opens with a discussion of the scope, meaning, and history of pragmatics from Aristotle to the present. It shows how the subject relates to the study of semantics, syntax, and sociolinguistics and to such fields as the philosophy of language, linguistic anthropology, and artificial intelligence.The remainder of the volume is divided into two parts. Part I begins with an account of classical and neo-Gricean theories of conversational and conventional implicature. It considers presupposition and speech act theory, and describes the different kinds of deixis. Part II explores some of the most productive current work in the subject, much of it at the interface between pragmatics and other core areas of inquiry. It looks at the pragmatics-cognition interface and relevance theory before examining the interfaces between pragmatics and semantics and pragmatics and syntax.Professor Huang illustrates his lively account with examples drawn from English and a wide range of the world's languages. He includes exercises and essay topics at the end of each chapter, and offers guidance and suggested solutions at the end of the volume. He provides a full glossary of terms and guides to further reading. This is the ideal textbook for students of linguistics. It will also be a valuable resource for scholars and students of language in philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and computer science.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics is the first volume to offer a comprehensive overview of advances in Spanish Pragmatics, addressing different types of interaction and the variables, both social and linguistic, that can affect them. Written by a diverse set of experts in the field, the handbook unifies two major approaches to the study of pragmatics, the Anglo-American and European Continental traditions. Thirty-three chapters cover in detail both pragmatic foundations (e.g. speech act theory, implicature and relevance, deixis) and interfaces with other concepts, including: * Discourse * Variation; Culture and interculture * (Im)politeness; humor * Learning contexts and teaching * Technology This is an ideal reference for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, and researchers of Spanish language and linguistics.
Assuming no prior experience, this core textbook introduces formal semantics in an accessible and engaging way and provides students with a solid understanding of a range of semantic phenomena. It explores a wealth of topics, including generalized quantifier theory, referential opacity, aktionsarten, thematic roles and lexical conceptual structure, tense and aspect and event semantics. Chapters are illustrated with numerous examples to contextualise the theory, and practical exercises encourage students to engage with the text and develop their problem-solving skills.This is an essential text for undergraduates and postgraduates involved in the study of semantics. It is an ideal text for a wide range of modules on the philosophy of language, linguistic meaning and formal semantics.New to this Edition:- Fully revised and updated, with new material on type theory, the lambda calculus, semantic composition, reference to times in a narrative and discourse representation theory- Exercises now graded according to level of difficulty, from beginner to very advanced level
Semántica: Una introducción al significado lingüístico en español es una introducción integral al estudio de la semántica con un enfoque especial en la lengua española. Sin asumir conocimientos lingüísticos previos, el libro conduce al lector por los principales temas del estudio del significado, logrando un equilibrio entre la teoría y la práctica. Los temas nocionales y las discusiones conceptuales se entrelazan con el desarrollo de herramientas analíticas. Las explicaciones se apoyan en abundantes ejemplos que ilustran los puntos tratados. Cada capítulo proporciona ejercicios y sugerencias para lecturas e investigaciones adicionales con el fin de guiar a los estudiantes de español en las complejidades de la semántica léxica y composicional. Escrito íntegramente en español en un estilo claro y atractivo, el libro es ideal para estudiantes avanzados de pregrado y posgrado de español y lingüística hispánica.
Pragmática para hispanistas presenta a los estudiosos y también a los estudiantes de la lengua española y de su literatura los conceptos y las teorías más actuales que se han propuesto para iluminar no la gramática, sino el uso de la lengua. El libro proporciona un claro fundamento teórico y lo apoya en una abundante ejemplificación de textos tanto literarios como periodísticos y conversacionales. Un detallado índice analítico facilita su consulta.
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