GatorLink Account
If you don't have a Gatorlink account, use your library card number.
14-digit Library Number
(Located under the barcode on your Gator-1 card.)
Link to the instructions for downloading the iPhone VPN app:
This includes a link to the University's Computer Network Services' instructions for downloading the VPN on an iPhone. They have created an app, which is easy to download and use. You will have to log in with your Gatorlink login and password.
If you need help contact 352-392-help or .
FAQS in help sheets on Help and Tutorials Page or link here
Remote access to UpToDate!!. You must be logged into the VPN. The Proxy does not work!
Our Interlibrary Loan system is ILLiad. If you need to request an item click on ILLiad in the Quick Links at the bottom of the Homepage or under Services on our Homepage.
Natural Standards is now Natural Medicines database. It is in the alpha list of databases on the Library's Database page.
E- Books - Check in the online catalog. If there isn't an icon with a big red e in the record or a hyperlink to full text then we don't have it electronically. You can limit your search to books and/or online resources. Check out the tutorial on doing this:
If a database is accessable through the Library and is not a free website then it will be listed on the HSC Library's database page and you MUST be logged into the online login page or VPN to access it.
Reprorisk, Drugdex, Identdex, DiseaseDex( and others that end in dex) are part of Micromedex If they are not listed in our version of Micromedex then we don't have them. We do not have everything. To see what we do have click on My Subscription on the main page.
LexiComp access is not available via the Library. Access it by logging into with your Gatorlink login, which is a link on the COP website. Full instructions are in the same location as those for Drug Facts & Comparisons. Library staff cannot help you access Lexicomp or Drug Facts & Comparisons.
Drug Facts & Comparisons is not available through the Library. It is available via the College. The instructions are in a Library Resources folder in the Resources on the WPPD Resources and Practice Experiences course site . If you are in Foundations click on the Course Resources link on the left of the page and then open the folder for Library Resources.
We have Briggs Drug Effects on Pregnancy and Lactation in electronic format as a separate e-book . To get to it search by title in our online catalog. You can limit your search to online resources. You will have to be logged into either the VPN or through the online login page to get to the full text. Briggs' Monographs are included in the Pregnancy & Lactation Warnings section of Drug Facts & Comparisons. Check out LactMed Database - Click on Toxline on Database page to get to it.
Alternatives to UpToDate:
Alternatives are: StatRef Database- AHFS Essentials Evidence Plus DI Essentials; AccessMedicine - Quick Answers tab; Micromedex - DiseaseDex, .
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