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Resources to locate articles, books, and other information in the area of Agricultural Sciences.

Getting Started at the library

  1. Set up the UF VPN: When you're off campus, you will need to use the UF VPN software for full access to electronic databases, journals and books.
  2. Access Course Reserves to read materials shared with your class by your instructor. Digital materials may be shared in Ares or in Canvas.
  3. Search the library catalog for books, journals, and many other resources. The catalog includes print and digital items from all library branches.
  4. Sign in to check your account status or renew material. You can request or renew materials and check your library account from the catalog, after signing in with your Gator ID (click Sign In in top right corner).
  5. Search scholarly databases to find articles in journals: If you are trying to decide which database is appropriate for your research, look at the list of databases listed on the Journal Articles tab. Library databases offer many features unavailable in Google Scholar.
  6. Create an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) account. Use ILL to request books and journal articles not owned by the UF Libraries. The ILL office will borrow the material you need from another library and send you an email when it's ready for you to use.
  7. Enjoy the UF Libraries! We encourage respectful use of these public places. Read more about appropriate conduct here.

Featured Resources

Meet Your Subject Librarian

subject specialist




Why is it important to meet your subject librarian? Brian Croxall tells us in "An Open Letter to New Graduate Students":

"In your first few weeks on campus, you might not want to add one more person to your list of people to meet. But getting to know your subject librarian can be invaluable. Your librarian will be the person who best knows the university’s entire collection of databases, journals, and books in your field; consequently she or he will be able to help you find the things you didn’t even know were there but are necessary for your scholarship. Plus, the subject librarian is the person who controls library acquisitions in your field. Get to know ‘em and they will likely buy the books you need. (My subject librarian easily bought me 30 books.) Your subject librarian can also teach you how to most effectively use your library’s catalog. As easy as that might sound—how hard can a search box be?—we’re here to tell you that your catalog is idiosyncratic and you’ll be much faster if you get some quick tips. Finally, your subject librarian likely has an advanced degree in your field. Consider him or her another mentor, even if s/he is in a different building."

Using AI in Library Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are available in library resources. These tools are changing the processes of literature searching, synthesizing, and writing. AI technology offers great opportunities and carries significant limitations. AI can provide personalized learning experiences, contribute to practical skill development, extend accessibility, and enhance research capabilities. However, when incorporating AI based tools, especially generative AI, into your academic or daily activities it is imperative to understand their limitations. Despite appearances, AI models including Large Language Models (LLMs) do not possess the independent thought or the self-awareness of humans. AI can misinform. AI is biased. It is your responsibility to develop AI Literacy. Understand bias and acknowledge limitations of the AI tools you use, use judgement in assessing AI outputs, protect your privacy and prevent academic integrity concerns. UF members have access to UF GPT: Microsoft Copilot, protected by UF-Microsoft data agreement. Be sure to confirm acceptable use of AI tools with your instructors, fellow researchers, and potential publishers.

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