A review article is a secondary (not primary) report of research. Its goal is to synthesize the research of others into a summary of:
Review articles may serve as:
What is a literature review?
A literature review surveys all the available literature on a topic, from books, journal articles, conference proceedings, and other sources, to identify items that are relevant to the current work. The lit review establishes credibility by demonstrating that the authors are aware of previous work in the field.
A typical literature review accomplishes many of the following:
Many articles do not label the section as a lityerature review. Some lit reviews are included in the Introduction or Background section or are labeled as "works cited" or other variations. When in doubt. look for the section that has the densest concentration of footnotes or endnotes.
from The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It from the University of Toronto
The Literature Review sections in these articles serve as good examples. Connect through the VPN if off campus.