Clarivate Analytics provides a fewversions of EndNote, EndNote Basic, and a licensed product, EndNote Desktop, with its online counterparts, EndNote Web and EndNote Online. EndNote Desktop is available for purchase and EndNote Basic is available for free.
Below are responses to frequently asked questions about EndNote Basic.
The University of Florida’s EndNote Basic application is maintained by the George A. Smathers Libraries. It can be accessed by navigating to EndNote Basic directly at UF’s EndNote Basic system can only be accessed from computers on the UF network. If you need to access EndNote Basic from off campus log on to the VPN or Proxy Server.
Users who created EndNote Basic accounts or created EndNote Online accounts through their institution’s license to Web of Knowledge, can store up to 50,000 references. Folders shared from other users' libraries do not count towards this limit unless they are copied to your library.
EndNote Basic accounts can store up to 2 GB of attached files.
If you purchase a license to EndNote Desktop, you can sync your citations online using EndNote Web or EndNote Online. EndNote Desktop users have unlimited file attachment storage.
Instructions for transferring references to or from EndNote can be found here. Be sure to search for instructions to EndNote Basic if you are only using the free online version of EndNote.
You can also export references into a format that can be imported again. To do this, use the Reference Manager or Ref Man (RIS) styles:
We have provided information on how to collect citations from several databases including PubMed, Web of Science, and EDIS on the tab labeled "Collect".
Which citation styles are available in EndNote Basic?
EndNote Basic supports the top 21 most commonly used citation styles. In addition to APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, and other common citation styles, EndNote Basic can include citation styles for specific journals. For a full list of EndNote citation styles possible see
If you don't see a citation style you need in the list, please contact Melody Royster.
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