Online links to resources that will help you learn the language
- Activities for ESL/EFL Students : Grammar quizzes, bilingual quizzes for a number of different languages, YouTube video links and more. Activities are grouped by reading level.
- BBC Learning English: Resources for practicing English skills
- Breaking News English: Current news stories for all reading levels, with questions and activities based on the stories.
- Dave's ESL Cafe Grammar Lessons: Information on grammar rules
- English as a Second Language: Listening, speaking and reading exercises, quizzes, grammar exercises and much more.
- English as a Second Language Courses: Supplemental free lessons on English for work, listening, speaking, vocabilary and more.
- Learning English as a Second Language: Quizzes, vocabulary lists. listening exercises, games and more.
- Librivox: Free public domain audiobooks.
- OWL/Purdue Writing and Grammar Exercises: Questions and answers in punctuation,spelling, sentence structure, and much more.
- Self-Study Grammar Quizzes: Quizzes and answers for all levels.
- Vocabulary Word Games: Spelling, grammar and other online learning games.
TOEFL Resources
- Free TOEFL Preparation Exercises: Online interactive TOEFL sample test and scoring
- What is TOEFL?: Explanation of what to expect when taking the test, and several practice tests
TOEFL Home Page: Find information on when and where the TOEFL test is offered, register for the test, and more.
- TOEFL Quick Prep: free interactive examples of real style TOEFL test questions, and explanations of the purpose and layout of the test.
- TOEFL Eight Week Planner: Free PDF E-Book to help you plan and study for TOEFL.
- TOEFL Questions and Answers: Frequently asked questions and answers on taking the TOEFL test
- TOEFL on YouTube: the official TOEFL YouTube channel, with videos on taking the test
- IELTS: Official site for the IELTS in the United States- Information on registration and testing sites, preparation information for the test, and other information.
- IELTS Buddy: Practice tests, test-taking strategies, and more.
- IELTS Exam: Exercises, practice tests, downloadable books, sample essays. etc.
- IELTS Mentor: Sample tests, and extensive information on preparing for the test.
- IELTS Practice Tests: Online practice tests for all sections of the IELTS test.
- Prepare for IELTS: Links to free practice tests, mobile apps, and other test praparation tools.