This page is a portal to all of WHO's Zika information, including surveillance reports, guidance on diagnosis and treatment, and news of the latest research.
Weekly updated report describing countries infected with Zika, the incidence of microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome, and the latest in Zika research.
This document provides interim recommendations for the surveillance of Zika virus infection, microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, in four different contexts and describes reporting requirements to WHO.
WHO’s Zika app aims to provide essential information on Zika virus disease and its suspected complications. Designed primarily for health care workers and responders, the app can also be a source of real-time information for the general public.
This portal provides links to all of the CDC's Zika information, including surveillance reports, clinical guidance, print and video media, and updates on recent research.
CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly called the Yellow Book) is published every two years by CDC as a reference for those who advise international travelers about health risks.
This app helps you plan for international travel. Get destination-specific vaccine recommendations, a checklist of what you need to do to prepare for travel, and a customizable healthy travel packing list.
DIMRC's Zika Virus Health Information Resource Guide includes Disaster Lit® documents, PubMed articles, and many other resources, updated daily. Recent items are marked New!