A successful Data Management Plan (DMP) answers these questions:
Creating your data
- What types of data will be produced for your project?
- What identifiers will you use for your data?
- How will you document your data?
- How much data will the project produce?
- How often will the data change or be updated, and will versions need to be tracked?
Organizing your data
- What file formats will be produced for your project and what kinds of data management risks do they present?
- How will you organize your files into directories and what naming conventions will you apply to both?
- Have you included project and data documentation?
Managing your data
- Who is responsible for managing and controlling the data?
- For what or whom are the data intended?
- How long must the data be retained?
- How secure are the data? Do you have a procedure for backing up the data?
Sharing your data
- Does project funding require your data to be shared or publicly accessible?
- When and where do you intend to publish or distribute your data?
- How should your data be cited?
- Are there issues with privacy or intellectual property?