The following templates are google sheets that have been maintained and updated constantly. In order to use the latest version, please download it at the link below every time before a new project/batch.
To download Excel, go File --> Download --> Microsoft Excel
Bib and vid both refer to the UFDC item ids. One bib can affiliate with multiple vids. This is one-to-many relationship. Both bib and vid can have metadata and be linked to multiple media files in different formats.
To create brand new bib-vid structure, include values in Series Titles in the spreadsheet prepared for ingestion, UFDC will then initiate bib-vid hierarchical structure.
Using bib-vid structure can set the display order of the vids on All Volume Pages in UFDC, however it's a manual process that applies purely to the webpage display. In other words, it cannot be automatically set up during the ingestion. Please discuss with the Metadata Librarian your needs.
To add new vid record to an existing bib, we will need to add bibid and vid, two more columns to the metadata spreadsheet. In bibid, please add the existing bib number found in UFDC. It is a 10 digit alphanumeric id assigned by UFDC. It can be found in the item URL and permanent link, for instance "AA00076576" and in vid, please add next vid number, which means, please check the last vid number (backend tool: SMaRT is the best environment to find out this.) and then add the sequential numbers. Set vid field as "Text" so Excel can take in the number correctly as they are, otherwise, Excel will take it as a single digit number. Vid numbers are five digits starting with 00001. The spreadsheet route cannot be used to update existing vids, that is, if the vid number included in the spreadsheet is already in use by UFDC, UFDC will skip the row in the metadata sheet.
Please note: we CANNOT include in the spreadsheet any OCLC numbers that have not been included in UFDC because new OCLC numbers trigger Sobek to create new bibs so it stops Sobek from adding new vids to the targeted bibs.
To update existing bibs or vids, depending on the actual update and the number of records that need the updates, the Metadata Unit and the Digital Service collaborates to select either record-by-record manual work or XML batch updates. XML batch updates can roll out changes in thousands of records a day, but Sobek has many known issues with this route. We are still in the middle to understand Sobek's limits.
No. Due to existing UFDC issues, Series Titles can only be added to a batch in the spreadsheet when creating brand new records. For existing records, they can only be added manually one by one using UFDC backend tools.
Please add VOLUME and ISSUE to the spreadsheet as two headers. The hierarchy is
We don't encourage adding more levels of hierarchy to the structure.
Here lists an example of using this structure. You can compare the spreadsheet and the final results in UFDC.
"FORMAT" is the best place for that. The label will be "Physical Description" in UFDC. Other information could be a part of "FORMAT" are the original analog format, the current digital format, total page numbers and available materials, eg, transcription in PDF. You can add labels in the data so when displaying in UFDC, the content will be more clear mingled with other information. For instance, "duration: 1;10 mins", "pages: 3". You are also welcome to use ISO8601 to capture the time period: P(period), H(hour), M(minute), eg. "duration: P2H30M"
More details are here
A good starting place is to check the "Proposed Copyright & Ethical Reuse Frame for UFDC" listed at the end of this guide.
"Year" is the field that collects date information of the item. By default, it holds "Creation Date". Please make sure "Year" in spreadsheet is set up a text field. Otherwise, the UFDC won't take it in right.
The following is general instruction on the data format of this field:
Required, not repeatable, used as the Date field. Follow ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-DD to hold the year, the month and day information about the creation of the item. If not sure about the specific dates, use year range, for instance, "1934-1940" or terms like "ca. (circa), after, before" to qualify the date, for instance: "after 1611 or ca. 830 BC". Dates may also be recorded by century, for example, "12th century".(Cataloging Cultural Objects: p.158) ) If the whole date is unstated, please record the date with "unknown" (all lowercase). When part of the date is unstated or uncertain or unknown, please use "X" (capital "X") to replace that portion to follow the format: YYYY-MM-XX, YYYY-XX-XX, eg, 1986-01-XX; 1980-XX-13.; To indicate a date range, using "/", for instance, 2015-06-08/2015-08-23 means started in 2015 on June 18th, and ended on August 23rd. We can use "?" to indicate uncertainty and "~" for approximation: 2015-?06-XX/2015-08?-23 means something like Started in 2015 on an unspecified day possibly in June, and ended on the 23rd, possibly but not definitely in August 2015. More examples are at this Bashing Data webpage.
Institutional codes usually start with an "i", for instance, "iufsphop" for UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. They are assigned to UF partners, schools, departments as ID numbers. These codes can then be coupled with correspondent Institution Statements, aka, the official names of the entities to capture Source Institution and Holding Institution information. When using these codes in metadata, please remove the "i", that is, "ufsphop", should be used in metadata, however the full codes like "iufsphop" are used to structure the Institution Landing Page url, for instance, the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program landing page url:
It's the best practice to have both institution codes and institution statement in the metadata, but in the case when the institution codes are not assigned, it's acceptable to only include institution statements.
Institution codes cannot be applied as Aggregation codes.
Aggregation codes are assigned to collections by LTS as IDs. These codes are used to form the collection url, for instance "oral" in the collection url to Samuel Proctor Oral History Collection url: To start a new aggregation, please refer to this libguide.
One institution can have multiple aggregations/collections in UFDC, so one institution code can be affiliated with multiple aggregation codes. No legacy documentation explains if in the backend institution codes have been linked to affiliated aggregation codes automatically by UFDC.
Aggregation codes cannot be used as source and holding institution codes.
Metadata Librarian will walk you through the whole process of preparing metadata and inform you when the records are ready in UFDC.
In the legacy UFDC, Dark Archived and Private records can only be assessed via url links. They don't appear in searches. The differences lie in the media files. Dark archived records do not show media files when accessed, but the private records show the media files.
In the new UFDC, the Private records function is not available and the dark archived records won't show any metadata either.
The Metadata Unit pulls the basic information from OCLC records to create new UFDC records. OCLC records describe the whole map set. While map sets usually come with many sheets, each sheet usually does not have much unique metadata other than the sheet number. In this case, in UFDC, we will have one bib for each set and then each sheet will be added as a page of an image set. In other words, individual map sheet won't be a new vid, but part of an image set. When the map sets are part of existing map series, for instance Gainesville Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, the Metadata Unit needs to check the latest available vid number for this known bibid "UF00074173" and then add both the bibid and latest vid to the ingestion sheet.
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