Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Library Research Guide - Marston Science Library

Hello from Michelle, Your Librarian

Welcome! My name is Michelle Nolan (any/all pronouns) and I am the librarian for Materials Science and Engineering at Marston Science Library. I came to UF as an undergrad in 2009 and I never left. I am passionate about working with students and helping with your library research. 

In this library research guide, you will find recommendations on searching for materials science sources, information about using the UF libraries, and tips for honing your literature research skills. Finding materials information is a skill that takes time to develop. At all points along your research journey, I'm here to help.

New to the Libraries at UF?

A group of undergraduate students wrote a handbook about visiting all the library branches on campus. View  the ebook below to learn more about all the unique spaces and resources available!

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