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Books are on the 4th Floor in the Marston Science Library. Materials are organized according to Library of Congress call numbers. To browse the print collection, use the below chart to determine the relevant call number range.
Call Number | Subject |
QD 171-181 | Inorganic chemistry, metals, etc. |
QD 380-388 | Polymers and macromolecules |
QD 450-481 | Physical and quantum chemistry |
QD 506-508 | Surface chemistry |
QD 901-999 | Crystallography |
TA 401-417 | Engineering materials |
TA 418-446 | Characteristics of materials |
TA 450-455 | Nonmetallic materials |
TA 459-492 | Metals, metallic composites, alloys |
TN 600-799 | Metallurgy |
TP 1100 | Plastic materials and composites |
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