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Anthropology @ UF: Anthropology Assignment Guide

This guide supports anthropology students and faculty @ UF, with course specific guides and resources for success!

Resources for Writing Your Anthropology Essay or Paper

Below you will find some helpful resources for researching and writing your anthropology paper or project. First time writing about anthropology? Check out this step-by-step guide.

Need help navigating the libraries? Check out one of our tutorials or reach out to me for assistance. 

Planning Ahead

Use the Assignment Calculator to help you create a schedule for your research paper. 

Writing Help

The University Writing Program helps undergraduate students at the University of Florida achieve their academic and professional goals by offering broad-based instruction in composition.

Help Finding Library Resources

Quick Anthropology References

Finding Resources

Looking for books?

Looking for journal articles?

Researching from off campus?

Ready for a deeper dive?

Primary Resources for Anthropology

Primary resources (think firsthand resources) are essential to anthropological research. Oral histories, newspapers, diaries, interviews, etc. are all great resources for anthropological research. Below are some examples of commonly used types of primary data and where to look:

Ethnographies/Ethnographic Summaries
Ethnographic Video/Documentary

Selecting and Refining Your Question or Topic

Where to start? Too broad? Too narrow? Here are some resources that will help you find balance!

Developing Keywords

Keywords are search terms that help you get to the heart of your research question. Formulating proper keywords is essential for finding the right materials for your inquiry. Below are some sources that will help you create keywords for your research.

Style and Citation Format

When professors ask you to write in a specific style, they are referring to a set of commonly accepted standards that influence the format, writing, design, and bibliography of a paper. There are several styles that are common to anthropology courses as well as professional papers, here are a few you might be asked to use with some helpful resources. 

Annotated Bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or “annotation.” Annotated bibliographies are a great way to get familiar with the most important literature on a topic.

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