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Anthropology @ UF: Business Anthropology (ANG 3703)

This guide supports anthropology students and faculty @ UF, with course specific guides and resources for success!

Welcome - Business Anthropology (ANG 3703)

This page curates materials for Dr. Chalfin's Business Anthropology Class. For additional guidance researching via academic libraries please see the following guide: Introduction to Library Research

Getting Started

Below are some general tips for researching library resources including both scholarly articles and print books. Additional materials for this course include databases, journals, and a curated list of books from the catalog. 

New to the libraries? Check out our tutorials!

Can't find something you are looking for? Contact me for assistance:

Don't forget to bookmark the UF Anthropology Virtual Library, featuring quick links to all our online resources.

Tips for finding resources online

1. Use our library VPN to get access to library resources from off-campus.  

2. Search for resources using keywords or a specific title:

4. If we don't have access to the resource you need:

5. Still having trouble? Contact me or another research librarian for more help! 

Anthropology Librarian

Profile Photo
Ginessa Mahar
Library West, Rm 539
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
PO Box 117001
Gainesville, FL 32611
Subjects: Anthropology


Additional Resources

News & Blogs

Books from the Catalog

University of Florida Home Page

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.