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Anthropology @ UF: Digital Anthropology (ANT 4851)

This guide supports anthropology students and faculty @ UF, with course specific guides and resources for success!

Welcome - Digital Anthropology (ANT4851) Library Resource Guide

This page provides resources for students of Digital Anthropology (ANT4851). My name is Ginessa Mahar, and I serve as the Anthropology Librarian. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about accessing or finding library resources at UF. 

For an overview about Digital Anthropology, check out this reference entry in the Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology.

Click here for video tutorials on how to use our library resources or check out our Introduction to Library Research Guide to get started.


Use the databases below to find academic and peer-reviewed journal articles on digital anthropology:

Additional UF resources in support of Digital Anthropology

Digital Repositories

Getting Started @ the UF Libraries

  1. Use the UF VPN to get access to library resources from off-campus. Otherwise on campus computers and those using the EduRoam Wi-Fi on campus will automatically connect to our resources. 
  2. Search for resources by creating keywords that represent your research inquiry. Find tips for creating keywords and search strings here.
    1. Try out Google Scholar for journal articles
    2. Refine your search by also using one of our library databases
    3. Go right to our library catalog to find books and more!
  3. If we don't have access to the resource you need try the UBorrow or Inter-Library Loan system and get your books delivered here to UF for free!
  4. Need more assistance or looking for something else? Contact me:


Below is a selection of journals you can search to find how digital anthropology and related topics are being discussed and advanced:

Books From the Catalog

Here is just a small sample of books on digital anthropology in our UF library catalog

Reference Works Supporting Digital Anthropology

The resources below are reference works - sources of information that provide quick facts about a topic:

Responsible Use of Gen AI in Research/Coursework

It is critical to be cautious in the use of Gen AI in social sciences research, this includes its use in coursework. The use of Gen AI should always be disclosed, and in some cases it should be outright avoided. Openly communicate any questions or ideas about using AI in your assignments with your instructor. You may also find clarity in your syllabus, or here in the UF student Honor Code

(e) Plagiarism. A Student must not represent as the Student’s own work all or any portion of the work of another person or Entity."  It defines entity "This includes but is not limited to generative artificial intelligence, large language models, content generation bots, or other non-human intelligence or digital tools."

Disclosure and/or citation are best practices for including and citing/clarifying the use of Gen AI in your work. Below are some resources and considerations for how to do so.

How to Cite AI Generated Content: Purdue University Library Guide

The Artificial Intelligence Disclosure Framework: An Introduction

Anthropology Librarian

Profile Photo
Ginessa Mahar
Library West, Rm 539
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
PO Box 117001
Gainesville, FL 32611
Subjects: Anthropology

Digital Anthro Tools @ UF

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