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Anthropology @ UF: For Graduate Students

This guide supports anthropology students and faculty @ UF, with course specific guides and resources for success!

Resources for UF Anthropology Graduate Students

This guide is designed to provide information and resources for Anthropology Graduate Students, including research, funding, and other university services. This page is in progress, if you find a resource you think would be useful please send it along in an email (!


Dr. John Krigbaum is the graduate student coordinator for the Anthropology Department. 

Florida Anthropology Student Association (FASA)

The Florida Anthropological Student Association (FASA) is a graduate anthropology club that sponsors a number of social, fundraising and educational events throughout the year. Annual social events include Potlatch, Armadillo Roast and a book sale and other events during the spring. 

Keep up to date with the group by visiting their website.

New Florida Journal of Anthropology

The NFJA is built on the tradition of the original Florida Journal of Anthropology, which was in press from 1976-1995. The revived NFJA is currently managed by graduate students in the Anthropology Department at the University of Florida. Submissions are accepted from undergraduate and graduate students as well as established researchers. All graduate student and researcher submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review by PhD level experts specializing in the area of the research presented. Undergraduate submissions will be reviewed by qualified researchers or graduate students with a Master's degree or above. Research from all geographic regions and temporal periods is welcome.

 Follow these links for submission information, deadlines, and the current editorial team.

 NFJA is published in conjunction with the UF Anthropology Department and the George A. Smathers Libraries, LibraryPress@UF and hosted by Florida Online Journals.

Data Management, Software, and Self-Guided Learning

Grant Funding

Careers in Anthropology

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