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UF Libraries Metadata Unit Task Instructions: Derive ER

This instruction is mainly for internal use and will be updated frequently as the work evolves.


Last updated by Xiaoli Ma, Metadata Librarian based on suggestions from the Principle Cataloger, William C. (Hank) Young on Oct 25, 2024. 

Before starting the following steps, please check if the records passed to you are truly NOT electronic records (ER), ER records have “o” in Form, the fixed field.  

Starting Point 





Choose “New Worldcat Record” 


Click “Yes” 

Choose “Yes” when a pop-up window appears with a message: “Transfer fixed field values to new record?” 



“a” for most materials;  

for “maps” use “e” or “f”; “e” for “cartographic material”; “f’ for “manuscript cartographic material”, (usually we don’t need to change the ones for maps)  











“flu” for UF’s Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) 

otherwise use the original location  

006, 007 

Create New 

Using text string;  

use 007 color string for all materials 


Apply only to Maps: Delete blank row or the row with insufficient info and Create a new row using the macro; if 034 is populated with “a”, leave it as it is.  

Use Macro: Tools --> Macros -->Manage --> Generate034 -->Run 

Note: 034 and 255 should hold the same value. 034 is for computer manipulation and 255 is for display. OCLC requires both of them, or neither of them. The above Macro creates 034 based on 255 values. When deriving Electronic Records, values from the fields lower than 100 may not be fully carried over to the derived record. 

If no 255, leave 034 blank.


Insert language/verify 

Usually add “eng” after “ǂb”, 

Add “ǂe pn” after “ǂe rda”

All ER derived for UFDC, 040 should be:

                FUG $b eng $e rda $e pn $c FUG

a.      Original cataloging agency

b.     Language of cataloging

c.      Agency that input record

d.     No longer valid

e.      Ruleset(s) used to describe record



Delete the period, if any; add “author” if it looks like the only possible role; if not sure, skip adding the role.  

100,110, 111 and 130 should not appear together in one record, if they do, please check the instruction at the very end of this document.  

If it is controlled (linked), click on “100”; press Ctrl + F11 to uncontrol it. 

If the field ends with a period, delete the period unless it is a period after an initial. 

Add “[comma][space]ǂe author[period]” 

(Example:  Smith, John, ǂe author.)  

If ǂd ends with a hyphen (e.g., ǂd 1950-), only add “[space]ǂe author[period]” 

(Example:  Smith, John, ǂd 1954- ǂe author.) 

If ǂd exists, make sure it is preceded with a comma (It should be handled by the cataloger already in most cases.) 

If the field was controlled, click in the field, press F11 to re-control it. 


If no value in ǂe 

Add “[comma][space]ǂe issuing body[period]”,  

If the field is controlled, press Ctrl + F11 to uncontrol it before making any edits. When the edits are done, press F11 to re-control it. 


Delete period 

If no ǂc after title— 

Delete [period] at the end of title if any 

260 (if exists) 

Change to 264 

always use second indicator“1”; if second indicator comes blank, add “1” 

Add “Gainesville, Florida” For anything that UF has digitized, or paid to have digitized (or received a grant to pay for digitization) in a 264 field

264 (if exists) 


Change the second indicator to “1”; 

if second indicator comes blank, add “1” 

Add “Gainesville, Florida” For anything that UF has digitized, or paid to have digitized (or received a grant to pay for digitization) in a 264 field


If available, add, delete and modify 

Add “1 online resource” at the beginning of the line and put existing values of subfield a (the first set of information) for print materials in parentheses.  If any info about the CDs or disc, remove the info, just keep "1 online resource". 

keep ǂb, the punctuation before ǂb and the value, delete the values that start with “ǂc”.; delete period at end of ǂa if there 


Replace or Add 

Most of the time: delete the unwanted fields, by right click the mouse, chose “Delete Field”   then using text string, at the top of the page then create new ones 


Delete and change 

Delete 500 “Typescript.” and “Manuscript copy.” from the field 



Using text string 


Add ONLY for Serial records

Using text string (based on Provider Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guide

776 0 8 

Create New and Link 

Using text string, copy the Print OCLC # (only the number) to the field and then right click mouse to use “Insert from Cited Record”,  

add at the beginning “ǂi Print version: ǂa [space]” 


Click to check errors 

Adjust as needed. If errors happen when converting 260 to 264, please check the LOC pages to figure out the fix as demonstrated in the video. If need more help, reach out to Xiaoli.  DerivingElectronicRecords.mp4 


Convert to New Electronic Records 

Action--> Holdings →  Update Holdings (F8) 


Add New Electronic Record No. 

Copy and Paste to “Electronic Records” column 

Print/Microfilm Records 

Pull out Print/Microfilm Records using the OCLC numbers 

Copy the OCLC numbers from the Electronic Records 

Print/Microfilm 776 0 8 

Create New 776 0 8 and Link 

Using text string, copy Electronic OCLC # to link using   “Insert from Cited Record”, Add “ǂa” in front of inserted title, and add at the beginning  

“ǂi Online version: ǂa[space] ” 

Print/Microfilm Records 


Save the change 

Replace Record and Update Holding (Alt + F11) 


100, 110, 111 usually won’t appear together but in the rare cases where they do come together, the Metadata Unit would need to convert them as directed below:  

If you have a 100 and a 110, keep 100, if the role is “author”; if the role is “editor”, change 100 to 700 

If you have either 100 or 110 and a 111 field, change the 111 to a 711 field;  

If you have one from 100, 110, 111 and a 130, change 130 to 240; 

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