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UF Libraries Metadata Unit Task Instructions: Batch OCLC to Alma

This instruction is mainly for internal use and will be updated frequently as the work evolves.



Set up 

Set up OCLC for batch work 

Add a new dedicated file for saving OCLC # as a set in OCLC 

--> File  

--> Local file manager  

--> Create File  

--> Create name for your file, eg, “PermLinktoOCLC” 

--> Open > Set as Default > Close  

Set up the Excel File dedicate for adding permalinks to OCLC by batch 

Create an Excel sheet using OCLCPermalinkBatch_template.xlsx 

  • Name your file as “Permalink_to_OCLC” 

  • Save it on your desktop 

Edit macro file OCLC 

--> select the macro “856digital” and click “Edit” 

--> Copy the Macro file at the bottom of this instruction: open the Macro file saved and copy the texts in the file to OCLC New Macro or existing 856digital Macro files 

--> Copy the Location path of Excel file made available in the last step: “Set up the Excel File dedicate for batch permalinks” to replace the below highlighted content in the macro file 


--> Highlight the Excel file and right click the mouse 

--> Properties 

--> General--> copy the path from the location 

For Each Batch 

This worksheet helps to form permalinks. If you have permalinks ready, you can skip the step of forming permalinks. 

Create an Excel sheet using CreatePermalinks_template 

  • Work in WorkingSheet tab 

  • Copy the OCLC#’s on Column A (overwrite the sample data) 

  • All UFDC BIBs/VIDs on Column C (ex. AA00012345/00001) 

  • Formula has been set for Column D, drag down the bottom right green dot of the highlight square to run the formula through all rows that have OCLC # 


  • Copy Column A and Column D to Final Data tab, Paste --> Paste Special Values only 

  • Copy Final Data tab data to your dedicated Permalink to OCLC Excel, “Permalink_to_OCLC”.  

We will overwrite the data of this sheet every time to avoid changing the file path in Macro file abd each time delete the status terms from the last batch, eg. “Saved” and “Replaced”.  

  • Run Macro 

  • Tools > MACRO > Manage > Select the Correct Macro > Run 

  • Open your Excel sheet to make sure everything has saved and is replaced. “Saved” and “Replaced” will show up in the spreadsheet. 

  • Spot check by going to OCLC: 

  • Cataloging > Search > Local Save File > Make sure appropriate file name appears > OK > A window will appear with all the records that were saved to local file—spot check the records to make sure permalinks were added correctly 

Batch Add E-portofolio

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