Health Services Research, Management, and Policy

Health Services Research, Management and Policy Resources

Health Economics Help

Health Services Management

Quality Improvement Tools to Advance Public Health Performance developed and refined by the Public Health Foundation that build on the Public Health Quality Improvement Encyclopedia, a practical guide for QI practitioners in public health organizations that was published in 2012.

Bibliographic Databases

EbscoHost databases:

  • Academic Search Premier (multidisciplinary--not specifically health)
  • Ageline
  • Applied Science and Technology Full-Text & Source (not specifically healthcare industry)
  • Business Abstracts (not specifically healthcare industry)
  • Business Source Premier (not specifically healthcare industry)
  • EconLit (not specifically health economics)
  • Health Business Full-Text
  • PsycINFO
  • Psychology and Behavioral Science Abstracts

ProQuest databases:

  • ABI/INFORM (business management)
  • Dissertations & Theses Global
  • Within the ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection:
    • Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)
    • ERIC (education, training)
    • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
    • PAIS International (public affairs, public and social policies, international relations)
    • Social Services Abstracts

Cochrane Library

  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
  • Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
  • Economic Evaluations (EED)
  • (Health) Technology Assessments (HTA)
  • Methods Studies (CMR)
  • Trials (aka CENTRAL)
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