Application of systems thinking to health policy & public health ethics: public health and private illness. Michele Battle-Fisher. Springer, 2015.
Exchange politics : opposing Obamacare in battleground states. David K. Jones. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Going into the Affordable Care Act: measuring the size, structure and performance of the individual and small group markets for health insurance. Pinar Karaca-Mandic. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.
Health care reform, 1993-1994: the American experience: Clinton and Congress--law, policy and economics: a legislative history of the Health Security Act of 1993. Bernard D. Reams, Jr. compiler. Hein 1996.
Health policy analysis : an interdisciplinary approach, 3 ed. Curtis P. McLaughlin, Craig D. McLaughlin. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2019.
Health policymaking in the United States, 6th ed. Beaufort Longest. Health Administration, 2016.
State and local policy initiatives to reduce health disparities : workshop summary. Karen M. Anderson. National Academies Press, 2011.
This list is from exhaustive! Use the UF Libraries catalog to find additional titles of possible relevance to your learning, teaching or research.
If you are trying to access these titles from off-campus, you must first log in via the proxy or VPN (for qualified UF users--that is, UF faculty, staff, students]. These titles are also available through UF Libraries catalog:
Advances in human factors and ergonomics in healthcare. Vincent G. Duffy, ed. CRC Press, 2011.
The American health care paradox: why spending more is getting us less. Elizabeth H. Bradley, Lauren A. Taylor. PublicAffairs 2013.
Analytics and decision support in health care operations management: history, diagnosis and empirical foundations. Yasar A. Ozcan. Jossey-Bass, 2017.
The business of healthcare innovation. Lawton Robert Burns, ed. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Decentralizing health services: a global perspective. Krishna Regmi, ed. Springer, 2014.
Delivering affordable cancer care in the 21st century: a workshop summary. Erin Balogh, Margie Patlak, Sharyl J. Nass. National Academies Press, 2013.
Delivering health care in America: a systems approach, 7 ed. Leiyu Shi, Douglas A. Singh. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2019.
Digital infrastructure for the learning health system: The Foundation for Continuous Improvement in Health and Health Care: workshop series summary. Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care. National Academies Press, 2011.
Emerging health technology: relocation of innovative visual knowledge and expertise. Kristian Wasen, ed. Springer, 2013.
Equilibria in health exchanges: adverse selection vs. reclassification risk. Benjamin R. Handel. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.
Essentials of health care marketing, 4 ed. Eric N. Berkowitz. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
Essentials of the U.S. health care system, 4th ed. Leiyu Shi. Jones & Bartlett, 2017.
Evaluating investments in health care systems: health technology assessment. Alessandro Scaletti. Springer, 2014.
Executing lean improvements: a practical guide with real-world healthcare case studies. Dennis R. Delisle. ASQ Quality Press, 2015.
The five practices of exemplary leadership: healthcare administration. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner.Pfeiffer/Books24x7, 2011.
Geographic adjustment in Medicare payment. Phase I: Improving accuracy; Phase II: Implications for access, quality and efficiency. National Academies Press, 2012.
The grassroots health care revolution: how companies across America are dramatically cutting their health care costs while improving care. John Torinus, Jr. BenBella Books, Inc: 2014.
Handbook of healthcare system scheduling. Randolph Hall, ed. Springer Science+Business Media, 2012.
Health care at risk: a critique of the consumer-driven movement. Timothy Stoltzfus Jost. Duke University Press, 2007.
Health care operations management: a systems perspective, 2nd ed. James R. Langabeer. Jones & Bartlett, 2016.
Health care supply chain management : elements, operations, and strategies. Gerald R. Ledlow, Karl B. Manrodt and David E. Schott. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
Health insurance: basic actuarial models. Ermanno Pitacco. Springer, 2014.
Health insurance handbook: how to make it work. Hong Wang et al. The World Bank, 2012.
Healthcare fraud: auditing and detection guide, 2 ed.. Rebecca Saltiel Busch. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2012.
Healthcare informatics: improving efficiency through technology, analytics, and management, rev. ed. Stephan P. Kudyba. Auerbach, 2016
Healthcare information management systems: cases, strategies, and solutions, 4th ed. Charlotte A. Weaver. Springer, 2016
Healthcare management engineering: what does this fancy term really mean?; the use of operations management methodology for quantitative decision-making in healthcare settings. Alexander Kolker. Springer, 2012.
Healthcare management: managed care organisations and instruments. Volker Eric Amelung. Spring, 2013.
The healthcare professional workforce : new directions in theory and practice. Timothy J. Hoff, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Gary J. Young, Eds. Oxford University Press, 2017.
International health worker migration and recruitment : global governance, politics and policy. Nicola Yeates, Jane Pillinger, Routledge, 2019.
The law of healthcare administration. 5th ed. J. Stuart Showalter. Health Administration Press, 2015.
Leading the lean healthcare journey : driving culture change to increase value. Joan Wellcome, Patrick Hagan and Howard Jeffries. Productivity Press/Books24x7, 2017.
Lean thinking for healthcare. Nimini Wickramasinghe, Latif Al-Hikam, Chris Gonzalez, Joseph Tan, eds. Springer, 2013.
Legal aspects of health care administration, 12 ed.George Pozgar . Jones & Barltett Learning, 2016.
Medicine and business: a practitioner's guide. Ronald V. Bucci. Springer, 2014.
mHealth: transforming healthcare. Donna Malvey, Donna M. Slovensky. Springer, 2014.
Operations research and health care policy. Gregory S. Zaric, ed. Springer, 2013.
Perspectives on essential health benefits: workshop report. Cheryl Ulmer, Bernadette McFadden and Cassandra Cacace, Committee on Defining and Revising an Essential Health Benefits Package for Qualified Health Plans, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine. Electronic book. National Academies Press, 2012.
Performance management in healthcare : from key performance indicators to balanced scorecard, 2 ed. Bryan Bergeron. Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Redirecting innovation in US health care: options to decrease spending and increase value. Steven Garber, Susan M. Gates, Emmet B. Keeler, Mary E. Vaiana, Andrew W. Mulcahy, Christopher Lau, Arther L. Kellerman. Rand Corporation, 2014.
Risk adjustment for measuring health care outcomes. Lisa I. Iezzoni. Health Administration, 2013.
Statistical methods for healthcare performance monitoring. Alex Bottle.Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2017.
Calculating disease-based medical care expenditure indexes for Medicare beneficiaries: a comparison of method and data choices. Anne E. Hall. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014.
The changing role of government in financing health care: an international perspective. Mark Stabile. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.
Cost-effectiveness in health and medicine, 2nd ed. By Peter J. Neumann. Oxford U Press, 2017.
Economics for healthcare managers. Robert H. Lee. Health Administration Press, 2015.
The economics of genomic medicine: a workshop summary. Roundtable on Translating Genomic Based Research for Health. National Academies Press, 2013.
Economics of individualization in comparative effectiveness research and a basis for a patient-centered health care. Anirban Basu. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011.
The effect of patient cost sharing on utilization, health and risk protection. Hitoshi Shigeoka. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.
Effects of health care payment models on physician practice in the United States. Mark W. Friedberg. RAND Corporation, 2015.
Essential health benefits: balancing coverage and cost. Cheryl Ulmer et al, eds. National Academies Press, 2012.
Essentials of health economics, 2 ed. Diane DeWar. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
Fixing medical prices: How physicians are paid. Miriam J. Laugesen. Harvard University Press, 2016.
Health care and behavioral economics: a presentation to the National Academy of Social Insurance. Congressional Budget Office 2008.
Healthcare finance : an introduction to accounting & financial management, 6 ed. Louis C. Gapenski, Kristin L. Reiter. Health Administration Press, 2016.
Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers, 5 ed. Judith J. Baker, R.W. Baker, Neil R. Dworkin.Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018.
Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations. Michael Nowicki.Health Administration Press, 2015.
Learning from economic downturns: how to better assess, track and mitigate the impact on the health sector. Xiahui Hou, Edit V. Velenyi, Abdo S. Yazvbeck, Roberto F. Iunes, Owen Smith. The World Bank, 2013.
Measuring and valuing health benefits for economic evaluation. John Brazier, Julie Ratcliffe, Joshua Saloman, and Aki Tsuchiya. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Measuring success in health care value-based purchasing programs : summary and recommendations. Cheryl L. Damberg, Melony E. Sorbero, Susan L. Lovejoy, Grant Martsolf, Laura Raaen, Daniel Mandel. RAND Corporation, 2014.
Private health insurance: history, politics and performance. Sara Thompson, Anna Sagan, Elias Mossiolas, eds.Cambridge U Press, 2020.
Sticker shock in individual insurance under health reform. Mark V. Pauly. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014.
Understanding value-based healthcare. Christopher Moriates, Vineet Arora, Neel Shah. McGraw-Hill, 2015.
Using discrete choice experiments to value health and health care. Mandy Ryan, Karen Gerard, Mabel Amaya-Amaya, eds. Springer, 2008.
Variation in health care spending: target decision making, not geography. Committee on Geographic Variation in Health Care Spending and Promotion of High-Value Care. National Academies Press, 2013.