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EndNote Online: Introduction

An overview of EndNote Online for UF faculty, staff, and students.

Off Campus Logon

If you are off campus, you will need to log onto the campus network.

We recommend downloading the VPN for a stable connection. You also have the option to log on via the Library Proxy Server.

Creating An EndNote Basic Account

Setting up an account is easy! Just type in "" or go to sign up for a free account.

You will want to be logged into the UF network in order use UF specific features of EndNote Basic or any of our UF databases!

EndNote Basic (Free) vs Desktop

EndNote is available for free as EndNote Basic. If is also available to purchase as a Desktop version. The new Desktop version, EndNote21, syncs with EndNote Online and EndNote Web. Compare features of each here.

If you are interested in purchasing EndNote Desktop, visit UF Software Licensing Services here.

Library Workshops

Check the Library Workshops calendar to see when the next EndNote instruction session will be offered.

What is EndNote Basic? Why should I use it?


EndNote Basic is a citation management software designed by Clarivate Analytics. It is a limited version of the desktop software, EndNote, and is free for all users. EndNote Basic can help you keep track of all the resources you are using for your papers, and best of all the software can automatically format your bibliography or publications list! 

EndNote in 3 Easy Steps

Collect  Organize  Format

EndNote Online Video Tutorials

Here are several short video tutorials to help you become familiar with EndNote Online. There are a few created in-house for UF scholars and several produced by Clarivate Analytics, the developer of EndNote.  Be sure to select instructions for EndNote Basic (the free version). 

For UF scholars produced by UF Librarians:

Here are training materials produced by Clarivate Analytics:

Be sure to select instructions for EndNote Basic (the free version) if that is what you are using.

Subject Guide

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Melody Royster
Agricultural Sciences Librarian

Office: 312B, Marston Science Library
Phone: (352) 273-2661

Suzanne Stapleton, M. S.

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Suzanne Stapleton
Agricultural Sciences &
Digital Scholarship Librarian
Office: 306A Marston Science Library
Office Tel. (352) 273-2715
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