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W.A.R.P. - Workshop for Art Research and Practice: Journals/Articles

Basic resources for doing W.A.R.P. (ART1802/1803) assignments

Finding magazine and journal articles

Use a subject-specific database such as Art Source to search for articles and art reproductions in periodicals by subject or keyword. Also consider browsing journals like Art in America (N1.A43) and ArtForum International (N1.A814) electronically or at the AFA Library. Both are good resources for exhibition reviews.

If you see the Find@UF symbol in your database search results, click it for access to electronic full-text material or to see if we subscribe to that particular journal somewhere in the Library system.

Finding newspaper articles

Reviews and feature articles in newspapers are good sources for finding information on contemporary artists.  This is particularly true for regionally known artists (be sure to check websites of local newspapers).

For full-text coverage of major newspapers, search LexisNexis Academic using the artist’s name as a search term. Try searching artist name (in quotes) and review. Ex: “jeff wall" and review

Featured Journal

1993-present issues available online from GALE

Browsing Guide

If you are looking for older issues of journals that aren't online or just want to browse paper copies, here are the call numbers for some of the more heavily used art journals and magazines at the AFA Library:

African Arts - NX587.A6

Art Bulletin - N11.C4

Art in America - N1.A43

Artforum International - N1.A814

ARTNews - N1.A6

Or, if you only want to browse arts-related e-journals click here.

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