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Smathers Libraries Grants Program

The UF Institutional Repository (IR) and Grant Proposals Collection

IR@UF: UF Institutional Repository

The Institutional Repository at the University of Florida (IR@UF) supports the preservation of past research as well as the creation of new projects in digital scholarship and publishing. The IR@UF provides worldwide open access to its materials.

IR@UF: Grant Proposals Collection

The Grants @ UF Digital Collection, within the IR @ UF, includes full grant proposals, as well as materials created from successful grant-based projects. Successful grant proposals are here for reference, to assist in the development of new proposals, to provide ready and permanent online access to the proposals to assess impact, and to ensure the proposals are archived and preserved through the UF Libraries. Grant proposals and materials are prepared and submitted by UF researchers and units, with designated funding agencies when applicable and links to the full proposals where available.

The Smathers Libraries Grants Showcase


The Smathers libraries Grants Showcase is an annual event where PIs introduce their project goals, discuss their team's results so far, and share a few things they learned while executing their project plans. Participants have a chance to ask questions and also learn about upcoming grant deadlines that may be of interest.

2024 Annual Lightning Talks: Exploring Recent Collaborative Grant Projects in the Libraries

Link to Recording:  

2023 Annual Lightning Talks: Exploring Recent Collaborative Grant Projects in the Libraries

Link to Recording:

2021 Annual Lightning Talks: Exploring Recent Collaborative Grant Projects in the Libraries

Link to Recording:

2020 Annual Lightning Talks: Exploring Recent Collaborative Grant Projects in the Libraries

Link to Recording: 

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