Records may be transferred to the custody of the University of Florida Archives or the Health Sciences Center Library Archives if they are identified as “permanent” or as having “archival value” by the records retention schedule or through consultation with relevant staff. (This may also include records with a shorter retention period that have been identified as having historic value to the University of Florida but to which are not explicitly stated as having such in the UF General Schedule.) When records are transferred to either archival repository, the office or individual of origin relinquishes all rights and ownership of the materials.
In addition to records identified on the UF General Schedule, the following records may also have archival or historical value:
If you think you may have materials with archival value, please contact (UF Archives) or (HSCL Archives.)
Prior to transferring University records or materials to either archival repository, you must complete a Records Disposition Request form to document the transfer. You will also be asked to include an inventory of the records (whether that’s books, folders, ephemera, etc.) with the disposition request so that the University Records Manager can consult with relevant personnel before the transfer of materials is made. The inventory should include the following for each box: folder name and date ranges, and photographs and other digital recordings should have descriptions, pertinent names and dates.
The University of Florida Archives website has more information on transferring records here.