If there is important/interesting information on the book jacket flaps, cut them off and glue them to the inside covers of the book.
Write the call number on the first page of the document in the top left-hand corner (just as you would on the cover)
If there isn't a barcode, then place a barcode on the back of the book as you would for all other material
Call Numbers:
Write the call number on all documents.
If you can't write the call number on the cover (glossy, hardback, etc.), write the call number on the first page of the document in the top left-hand corner (just as you would on the cover).
OCLC Updating:
Before adding FUG holdings to an OCLC record, make sure there isn't a FLARE holding on the OCLC record.
Once the FLARE holding is added to OCLC, the FUG holding is stripped from the record.
All holdings should match exactly what is in your hand.