Classical Studies

Graduate Studies Resources

For information about the graduate program in the Department of Classics, please visit their graduate program website.

Some recommended resources for the graduate program can be found on the following Department of Classics pages:

M.A. Reading Lists

Ph.D. Readling Lists

Graduate Exams

Please also be sure to discuss resources with your advisor and/or graduate coordinator.

Reading in Greek and Latin

Reading Greek and Latin

Classics Every Day is a website that has a new passage of Greek and Latin for you to read each day. This may be a helpful tool for preparing for reading exams. Visit the site every day or subscribe to have an e-mail sent to you every day.


Some classical texts to consider using for reading and studying:

Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics ("green and yellow" or "green and gold")

Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries (orange)

Loeb Classical Library - Online and in print throughout the Libraries

Oxford Classical Texts (OCTs)



Loeb Classical Library - Online and in print throughout the Libraries

Penguin Classics


Homeric vocabularies: Greek and English word-lists for the Study of Homer, in print and online


Modern Languages


French for Reading - a book for learning how to read academic texts in French


German for Reading Knowledge - a book for learning how to read German

LEO - an online German-English dictionary


From Italian to English: A textbook for reading knowledge of Italian

Librarian of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion

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Megan M. Daly
514 Library West
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