Writingmatters : presenting and perceivingmonumentalinscriptionsinantiquity and the MiddleAges, edited by Irene Berti, Katharina Bolle, Fanny Opdenhoff and Fabian Stroth: CN55.W75 2017
Books to be requested from storage (usually takes a day, sometimes less, to get):
Manuelpratiquedelatinmédiéval, by DagNorberg: Request via UBorrow -- 478.644N822m
MedievalLatin word-list : from British and Irish sources, prepared by J.H. Baxter and Charles Johnson ; with the assistance of Phyllis Abrahams: Request via UBorrow -- 479.32B355m
EinleitungindielateinischePhilologiedesMittelalters, by Ludwig Traube: Hathi Trust
MedievalLatin : an introduction and bibliographical guide, edited by F.A.C. Mantello and A.G. Rigg: E-book