This page includes information about a number of global or regional data sources on health, development indicators, economics, and public opinion surveys. UF students can use IBM SPSS to manipulate data for free at
The Latin American and Caribbean Collection has a number of country-specific statistical data materials available in our reading room on the 3rd floor of the Smathers Library.
Access to the Human Development Index (HDI), the Gender Inequality Index (GII), the Multidimentional Poverty Index (MPI), the Inequality Adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI), and the Gender Development Index (GDI) for countries and regions around the world. Also includes access to downloadable data sets.
Since its foundation, the United Nations System has been collecting statistical information from member states on a variety of topics. UNdata pools major UN databases into one single internet environment. The innovative design allows a user to access a large number of UN databases either by browsing the data series or through a keyword search.
Useful features like Country Profiles, Advanced Search and Glossaries are also provided to aid research.
The Latin American Mortality Database (LAMBdA) was originally created to support the empirical study of the history of mortality trends in Latin American countries after independence. It now supports the study of very recent mortality trends and is particularly suited for the study of old age mortality during the post-WWII period. The database covers the interval between 1848 and 2014, it includes population censuses, age-specific (five year and single year age groups) total death counts (starting in 1900), and by causes of deaths (starting in 1945). It contains over 170 years of data, including adjusted life tables and a total of about 500 life tables.
CEPALSTAT is the gateway to all the statistical information of Latin America and the Caribbean countries collected, systematized and published by ECLAC. CEPALSTAT provides access to statistics and indicators produced by many ECLAC Divisions.
The user can export data and cross-tabulate indicators to produce tables combining data from different series and / or countries and / or periods.Charts can also be prepared based on the stored data. Metadata containing the definition of the variables, description of the sources, and other relevant characteristics can be consulted and downloaded. Additionally regional and national statistical profiles based on key indicators are available.
The Latin American Public Opinion Project is the premier academic institution carrying out surveys of public opinion in the Americas, with over thirty years of experience. Every two years it carries out the AmericasBarometer survey, which currently covers 26 nations including all of North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Each year it publishes dozens of high quality academic studies and policy-relevant papers.
Access to public opinion data and surveys for Latin American countries and reports using the data.
One of the main activities of FAO statistics is maintaining the corporate statistical database, FAOSTAT. Time series statistical information is compiled, processed and stored by country from 1961. It contains time-series records from over 245 countries and territories covering domains on agriculture (production, consumption, trade, prices and resources), nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population. It is currently the world’s largest and most comprehensive statistical database on food and agriculture.
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