Articles chop up your topic into little, narrow questions. If you find 5 articles, each presenting a narrow study, it may be hard for you to see how they fit together and what question they are all trying to answer.
Encyclopedias can give you overviews of your topic and lead you to the important questions asked by researchers. Subject specific encyclopedias contain articles written by experts in their fields and should put your idea or question into a historical, research, or social context. They will also lead you to further references.
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UF grants access to myriad databases, books, and other resources. To access these when not on campus, you'll need to be connected to the UF VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Watch a video guide on downloading and using the UF VPN
To download the VPN, follow the directions from UF IT according to your device.
After installing the VPN on your computer, you must log in to it before attempting to access library resources.