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This guide provides information on how to use the microfilm readers and finding microfilm content that are available at the UF Libraries.


Home Tab

The Home Tab is the default tab that shows when you select to view 35mm film. It offers features to adjust brightness and contrast, as well as a magnifier so you can view content closely.

Fit To...

This feature is available under the Home Tab. It changes depending on the computer setup and display. It may be listed as "Fit to Width", "Fit to Height", or "Fill to Window". 


The magnifying option is found in the Home Tab. This feature always you to obtain a closer look without having to adjust any of the camera or display settings. Clicking on the magnify option  brings up a pop-up window that can be adjusted in size. 

Adjust Tab

The Adjust Tab offers a variety of features to adjust what you are viewing. Some of the features included are brightness, contrast, focus, zoom, and rotate. 


The Adjust Tab offer an auto-adjust feature that will automatically adjust brightness, contrast, focus, and will straighten images displayed. This is not perfect and you may still need to make some manual adjustments. 


There is a zoom feature found in the Adjust Tab. This feature adjust the lens on the readers camera to zoom in or out. You can click and hold down on the "up" or "down" buttons to zoom "in" or "out", respectively.

Output Tab

The Output Tab offers features for saving content. 

Scan to Drive #1

Scan to Drive #1 is one option for saving content. This feature is found in the Output Tab. Clicking this button will automatically scan and save an image of what you are viewing. All scans will default to save as PDF. You will be able to find the saved images under the My Scans folder which is found on the desktop. From the My Scans folder, you can either drag and drop to a USB, a cloud service, or an email message. 

Scan to Drive #2

Scan to Drive #2 is one option for saving content. This feature is found in the Output Tab. Although there is more than one way to save content, the Scan to Drive #2 is recommended since it allows for selecting location to save to (ie usb), file naming (you can immediately create a name for the file), and allows for selecting file format (ie jpeg, png, pdf). 

Using this feature, users can also scan multiple pages at a time by utilizing the "PDF - multipage" file format option. 

Green Box

When scanning content, it is important to be aware of the green box that appears. The content that is within this green box is what will be scanned/saved. The size of the green box can be manually adjusted by left-clicking on the small green squares that appear within the outlined box. Right-clicking on the green squares allows for custom scanning, which is extremely useful when you encounter articles that span multiple columns. 

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