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Mobile Resources for Health: E-book Apps

E-books available from the HSC Library

This app provides access to eBooks through the library's subscription to STAT!Ref including ACP PIER, AHFS Drug Essentials, Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, and more. Using the mobile app requires a My Stat!Ref account created while connected to the UF network.  Further setup instructions are here.

The mobile version of AccessMedicine provides access to several medical textbooks, including Harrison's Online and Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, diagnostic tools, drug monographs, and more through the library's subscription to AccessMedicine. You must set up a My AccessMedicine account to access it from your mobile device. There is no downloadable app, but if you log in to the mobile website from your device, you can add it to your home screen/applications.


The mobile version of AccessPharmacy provides access to several pharmacy textbooks, including Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach, as well as diagnostic tests, calculators, and quick reference drug information through the library's subscription to AccessPharmacy. You must set up a My AccessPharmacy account to access it from your mobile device. There is no downloadable app, but if you log in to the mobile website from your device, you can add it to your home screen/applications.


To use Bluefire Reader, you will need to login using an Adobe ID. If you do not have an Adobe ID, you can create on for free in the app. To use Bluefire Reader for EBSCO books, you have to also create an EBSCO account. If you use folders when searching EBSCO databases, EBSCO e-ebooks will allow you to download and check out the book for seven days. Here are additional directions for downloading EBSCO e-books to Bluefire


Other E-Book Apps

Inkling is a platform for interactive books designed for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch as well as PC. The app is free, while access to books or book sections can be purchased.



Kindle is a free reading app provided by Amazon for various platforms, while books and other content must be purchased from Amazon. Kindle books can be purchased once and used on multiple devices--Whispersync synchronizes bookmarks, notes, highlights, and reading progress across devices. Some Kindle books may be lent to another Kindle user for 14 days.



Nook is a free reading app provided by Barnes & Noble for various platforms, while books and other content must be purchased from Barnes & Noble. Nook books can be purchase once and used on multiple devices. Bookmarks and last page may be synced among devices, and books may be lent to someone else with the Nook app for 14 days. (The Windows app is for tablets only.)


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