This is a mobile browser desiged for iPad/iPhone. Searches can be done by zooming at chromosome, gene, or DNA base-pair level. Information is connected to external links NCBI's Gene, UCSC, Gene Ontology, Ensembl, etc. Results can be saved and shared.
iProtein aggregates information from the Protein Databank, Swiss-Prot, RefSeq, Ensembl, etc and presents structural protein information. It provides access not only to protein structure but also to sequence, ligands, protein family, etc. A brief tutorial on iProtein can be found here.
This application includes tools related to nucleic acids research. It contains calculation modules and quick reference sections for designing and executing experiments involving PCR and Q-PCR.
Biogene is ideal to learn about gene function - it retrieves information on gene function from NCBI's Entrez Gene and the third-party annotated references into its function (GeneRIF). "BioGene was produced in affiliation with the Computational Biology Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center." Available as an app for iOS or for mobile web browsers.
Genetic Code allows the visualization of standard genetic code as well as provides information about 20 amino acids and their abbreviations, among other functions.
Molecules allows for 3-D renderings of molecules that can be explored using mobile technology's touch screens. New molecules can be downloaded from RCSB Protein Data Bank or NCBI's PubChem.
This suite of apps provide tools for use at the bench, such as calculators and annotatable protocols, with in-depth reference materials covering key topics in molecular and cell biology. It allows calculation of melting temperature, molarity, dilution, DNA and protein concentration, etc.
CloningBench offers nine calculators for use at the lab bench, including a Restriction Enzyme Finder, a Selection Guide for competent cell reagents, calculators for nucleic acid concentration, a bacterial growth timer and others. The interface is simple to navigate and easy to use.
New England Biolabs Tools app allows you to select a restriction enzyme by category or recognition sequence, or search by name to find information on any NEB enzyme, determine buffer and reaction conditions for two restriction enzymes, among other things.
The NIH toolbox offers a number of different tests that evaluate "cognitive, sensory and emotional function in research subjects or patients". There is a free 60-day trial, but a 12-month subscription actually costs $500, so if the tools seem useful to your research you may need to write it into the grant. Training on the app is offered regularly and tutorials are available online.
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