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Library Liaisons Toolkit: OJS (Open Journal Systems)

Resources to help UF Libraries liaisons in their instruction and outreach

What is OJS?

As part of the commitment to increasing open access to research, the UF Libraries are using Open Journal Systems (OJS) within the statewide installation of Florida Online Journals (Florida OJ) to provide online hosting for academic journals for UF scholars. The OJS system has a highly configurable system for editorial workflows with features including:

  • Online author submission
  • Blind, double-blind, or open peer-review processes
  • Online management of copyediting, layout, and proofreading
  • Delegation of editorial responsibilities according to journal sections
  • Management of publication schedule and ongoing journal archiving
  • Customizable presentation features
  • Multilingual interface supporting 10 languages
  • Support for a variety of reader tools, such as RSS feeds and share buttons

See more on the technical features on the OJS website and the OJS brochure, and the checklist for Library Liaisons.

The Publishing with Florida OJ LibGuide is a good resource to share with UF scholars interested in a journal publishing partnership with the UF Libraries.

How to Launch a Journal on OJS

To request a journal using Florida Online Journals, those responsible for the journal content should first meet with their Liaison Librarian and the UF Library's journal publishing team, lead by Chelsea Johnston.  The publishing MOU must be completed before a journal site is established in Florida Online Journals. More background information for Liaison Librarians is available in this Checklist which you can review with interested UF faculty, staff or students.

Information required to launch a journal in Florida Online Journals:

1. Name of your journal:
2. Name for the URL for your journal (in the form of[abbreviationornamehere]
3. Signed MOU (See the panel below)

Please contact Chelsea Johnston (, the Scholarly Repository Librarian to assist you in this process.

Follow-up & Workflow Process: Once the first issue of the journal is online, the service team workflow includes the steps detailed in the internal documentation.

Florida OJS Documents

The document linked below needs to be completed as part of process for setting up your journal with the open journal system. If you have any questions about the Memorandum of Understanding and the responsibilities outlined therein, please contact the OJS liaisons listed at the right or your departmental library liaison.

For More Background on OJS Publishing

For more information about OJS and how it works, see the PKP demonstration journal where you can explore the OJS publishing platform and OJS website.  The University of Pittsburgh provides more explanation at:  

OJS Team

OJS Team

Profile Photo
Suzanne Stapleton
Agricultural Sciences &
Digital Scholarship Librarian
Office: 306A Marston Science Library
Office Tel. (352) 273-2715
Social: Twitter Page
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