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American Indian and Indigenous Studies: Research Guide

This guide highlights resources commonly accessed for research regarding Native American and Indigenous peoples.

Search Tips

  • Search for Native American, Amerindian, IndianFirst Peoples or Indigenous as keywords in the Library Catalog
  • Search by the name of a particular tribe or cultural group (e.g. Creek or Shoshoni) in one of our Library Databases
  • Combine a Tribal name with a topical word(s) (e.g. Hopi origin story), be sure to research alternative Tribal names and identifiers. There may be critical differences between how a Tribe or culture refers to itself (endonym) versus what they have been called by outsiders (exonym). Example: Eskimo (exonym) vs. Inuit and Yupik (endonyms for distinct cultures grouped under Eskimo ).

For more tips on creating keywords for your research, check out this resource

Finding and citing Indigenous authors is critical to researching Indigenous perspectives and topics. In addition to researching an author's public profile to determine how they identify, you can also look to publishing platforms that often include articles by Indigenous authors. This guide has some additional tips and resources: 

For guidance on writing about Indigenous Peoples, including style issues and formatting, please reference the following guide:

Books from the Catalog

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