The Course Reserves units of the George A. Smathers Libraries are currently accepting course reserves requests for the Spring 2025 and subsequent semesters. Hard copy (DVD and books) as well as electronic reserves items including ebooks, database links, scans of chapters and streaming video will be available through Course Reserves. Please keep in mind that scans of chapters or sections of material will be subject to copyright fair use guidelines.
When making course reserves requests, we would ask that instructors place their requests as early as possible, to give the library workers enough time to search for, acquire materials and process both hardcopy and digital format (when possible) requests as necessary. To open a new course or renew a course in Ares, please see Instructors Guide to Ares.
Our website provides additional information at
If there are any questions, or if we can be of assistance, please contact us at 352-273-2520, or via email at Please feel free to share this information with colleagues who would benefit from the services of Course Reserves.
The Course Reserves Unit provides access to course materials at the Library West branch of the George A. Smathers Libraries. Course reserves materials include print books, book chapters, textbooks, e-books, journal articles, slide decks, DVDs, and more. Materials are placed on reserve at the request of the instructor, and all reserve items must comply with copyright law and e-resource licensing.
This guide is designed to offer basic information to our students and instructors using the Ares Course Reserves system, including information on what materials can be placed on reserves, information on basic course reserves policies, contact information for course reserves processing units in other branch libraries, and basic instructions for using ARES.
Contact information for specific course reserves workers/libraries can be found at Course Reserves Branch Contacts
for general inquiries, use our online form, or call the main office at 352-273-2520.
Ask a Librarian: Links to chat services- talk real time with a librarian, and receive research assistance
Course Reserves Processing Contact Information
Architecture & Fine Arts Library
Education Library
Health Science Center Library
Latin America Special Collection
Legal Information Center
Library West
Marston Science Library
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