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Course Reserves for George A. Smathers Libraries: Checking out items

Learn about Course Reserves and how they can contribute to your teaching and learning experiences.

How long can patrons check out the materials on Course Reserves?

There are several categories of checkout times and your instructor had chosen the loan period:

  • 2 Hours: Materials are checked out for two hours and cannot be taken out of the library. Fines for overdue materials are accrued on a per hour basis.
  • 2 Hour/Overnight*: Materials can be checked out for two hours and cannot be taken out of the library. If a student wishes to check the material out for overnight use, it may leave the library; however, the student must check out the materials in the last two hours of library operation for that day, and the checked out material must be returned within the first two hours of library operation the next day. Fines for overdue course reserves materials are accrued on a per hour basis. *This does not apply to libraries open 24 hours.
  • 24 Hours: Materials with this designation can leave the library and are due back 24 hours from the time of checkout. Fines for overdue materials are accrued on a per hour basis.     
  • 3 Day: Materials can be checked out of the library for 3 days. Fines for overdue materials are accrued on a per day basis.
  • 7 Day: Materials can be checked out of the library for 7 days. Fines for overdue materials are accrued on a per day basis.

My students say the book is not on reserve under my course number - what's going on?

Different library branches use different shelving classification. Library West, for example, shelves all library-owned items under the course prefix and number. If there are recurring problems, we encourage the instructor or student to contact the Course Reserves unit for assistance.

Can a student in my class check out material longer?

Yes. Please contact the Course Reserves unit for more information. Instructors must give the Course Reserves unit 24-hours notice in this situation, so we can be certain that another instructor does not need the material for in-class use.


Can an Instructor check out a DVD or other material currently on Course Reserves?

If you have a DVD or other item on reserves for your course and need it for in-class use, please contact the Course Reserves unit 24-48 hours before your class. We will put a hold on the item so that it does not circulate and will be available for class use. If another instructor has a DVD on course reserves and you need it for course use, please notify the Course Reserves unit. We will contact the instructor that has the item on reserves, and ask for permission from that instructor to let the material circulate for class use.

Can people outside my class use hard-copy materials I have placed on Course Reserves?

Since other students, staff and faculty may have a legitimate academic interest and need for materials on course reserves, we do allow students outside a given class to check out course reserves materials. We cannot limit circulation of any item to the students enrolled in a given class.

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