EDF3514: History of Education in the U.S.


When searching for sources the library has many options. You can use the Primo Search tool which allows you to search most databases and the catalog for books in one search. Or you may want to use a subject specific database which focuses your search on a specific subject area (such as Education), these can be found on this page of the research guide. You can also utilize Google Scholar as a search tool, see this page in the research guide to set up Google Scholar to link with the UF Library.

Search Tips

Search Tips

Search Filters 

Use search filters to narrow your search. Each database is different, but look for:

  • Full Text: Limits results to sources that are available in full. (You can read it now).
  • Scholarly / Peer Reviewed: Also called refereed, limits results to articles from peer reviewed journals. These articles are reviewed by experts in the field and considered scholarly sources.
  • Publication Date: Limit results to a specific date range. This is important if you need current information.
  • Source Types: Limit results by source type. This is very useful when you are looking for a specific type of source (e.g. academic journal articles, newspaper articles).

Boolean Operators

Combine multiple search terms using AND and related terms using OR. Always use parentheses with OR statements. For example, if you search No Child Left Behind AND (education OR K-12) AND United States your search must include No Child Left Behind, United States and either education or K-12 in the results.  

Phrase Searching

You can also keep words together using quotation marks. For example, searching "No Child Left Behind" searches for those three words together instead of searching separately for No, Child, Left, and Behind. 


You can search multiple endings by truncating your search. Not all databases are the same, but typically you can use an asterisk. For example, child* searches for child, children, childhood

Peer Review

Peer Review

Peer Review in 3 Minutes by NCSU Libraries

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