EDF3514: History of Education in the U.S.


PRIMO is the UF Library's discovery tool. This search acts like the library's version of Google in that it can search across databases and resources. This means your results will include books, scholarly articles, magazine articles, videos, dissertations, etc. The video below gives a quick overview of how to search in PRIMO for books and articles available through the library.

Searching for Articles and Books Using PRIMO

PRIMO Search

The best way to search for books and eBooks will be to use the PRIMO Search tool. This tool searches across many of our resources including our complete library catalog. Articles can be located through a PRIMO search or through a search in a subject specific database or journal.

The following video demonstrates how to search for a book and an article using PRIMO:

Click the red circles to learn more about the search features. For audio descriptions click the book with speaker icon.

Locating Books

Locating Books

To find a book on the shelf, first note the library location. The following maps may be useful:

Use the call number to find the book on the shelf. Books are organized by subject using Library of Congress Classification.   



Narrow your search results to eBooks by using the format filters on the left side. Select both "Book" and "Online Resources." Click the link that says "UF: Off-campus access limited to current UF students & employees" to access the eBook. 

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