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African Studies: Key resources

A guide to UF Libraries' research and teaching resources in African Studies. Feel free to let us know what would be useful to have included.

Access to resources listed on this Guide

This guide is intended primarily for UF authenticated users (faculty, students, and staff either on or off site with remote access) and onsite guests while in the UF Libraries. Use a GatorLink account or request guest access onsite at any Public Service desk. For non-UF users offsite, many excellent scholarly and educational resources are available as Open Access online. For example, see AFRICA FROM ANTIQUITY TO COLONIALISM to locate online open access resources for African history.

Selected reference titles

Frequently used resources

Cultural heritage and the Law: Protecting immovable heritage in English-speaking countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Ndoro, Webber, Albert Mumma, and George Abungu (eds.). 2008.  ICCROM Conservation Studies, 8. Rome: International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).

Featured research links

Newly acquired (2023): 

  • Africa Commons: Black South African Magazines with over 50,000 pages of historically significant magazines, written and targeted specifically for Black African audiences. Developed in partnership with South African based Sabinet, the materials were sourced from African libraries.
  • Africa Commons: Southern African Films and Documentaries : includes newsreels from South Africa’s Information Service and African Mirror, the world’s longest running commercial newsreel; exclusive interviews from 1980s feature writers, journalists, and activists discussing firsthand accounts of censorship and apartheid; and feature films and documentaries including Zonk! (1950) , In Darkest Hollywood (1993) and Side by Side: Women Against AIDS in Zimbabwe (1997).
  • Africa Commons: History and Culture Indexed access to cultural artifacts from hundreds of collections and organizations for teaching and scholarship. Access to more than 400,000 digital cultural artifacts from more than 4,000 collections around the world. Search and find books, magazines, comics, photographs, maps, letters, diaries, and other content in seconds.
  • Policy Commons: Global Think Tanks indexes and links to more than 3.4 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a curated directory of more than 24,000 think tanks, including IGOs, NGOs, and research centers.

Journals, indexes & full-text resources

See also: Humanities Resources for African Studies (many of which aren't specific to Africa).

African Studies Collections Curator

Profile Photo
Dan Reboussin
he, him, his
200C Smathers Library
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Center for African Studies

Center for African StudiesThe African Studies Collection at the University of Florida Libraries has a collaborative partnership with the UF Center for African Studies, which contributes generous funding for library materials and services through its U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant as a National Resource Center.

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