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Drug Information Resources: General Library Information

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Off-Campus Access Info

For off-campus access to library-licensed e-Journals, databases and e-resources, you must log-in using  either :

UF VPN  - or  -  Off-Campus Login Page

Remote Access Tutorial  (requires Flash)

  UF Login

GatorLink Account

If you don't have a Gatorlink account, use your library card number.

14-digit Library Number
(Located under the barcode on your Gator-1 card.)

Citation Bibliography Management

Resources to help you manage your citations. 


E- Books - Check in the online catalog.   If there isn't an icon with a big red e in the record or a hyperlink to full text then we don't have it electronically.

If you can access a database through the Library that is not a  free website then it will be listed on the HSC Library's database page.

Reprorisk, Drugdex, Poisdex, DiseaseDex  are part of Micromedex.  If they are not listed in our version of Micromedex then we don't have them. 

LexiComp access is not available via the Library.  Access it via   Lexicomp is Handbook of drug information + more.

Drug Facts & Comparisons is not available through the Library.  It is available via the College.  If you don't remember how to access it contact your instructor.  If you are in Foundations check the E Learning page for Module B-2

AccessPharmacy: You must create a login & password to use the quizzes. Click on MyAccessPharmacy then click on Create Profile to get to the screen where you can create your login & password. 

 Alternatives to UpToDate:
Alternatives are: StatRef Database: ACP Pier with AHFS DI Essentials; AccessMedicine: Quick Answers tab; MDConsult Database: Ferri's Clinical Advisor;  DiseaseDex (MicroMedex) and 5 Minute Consults in Facts & Comparisons.

Getting full text

When you see Find@UF in your search results, click for access to digital full-text material.

In PubMed, if you have accessed it through the Library’s website, and you are in either the Abstract, AbstractPlus or Citation view and you see HSCL Online Linkout button then you should be able to get to the full text article electronically by clicking on this button. If these links don't work or if  you can't get to the full text at the source then double check through the  E-Journals list.


If there isn't a link in PubMed or a Find it @ UF button double check the journal title in the E-Journals List.

For more complete instructions go see E - Journals tutorial or look at the Connecting With Full Text E-Journals PDF on the Help page of this LibGuide.  

Citation Formats

The following resources contain the citation formats you need to use when citing references for assignments.  These is the formats  used when creating reference lists for articles in pharmacy journals.  

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Lauren Adkins
Health Science Center Libraries
PO Box 100206
Gainesville, FL
Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy

If I am not on Meebo

If I am not on Meebo then send me an email at .

VPN for iPhones-iTouch

Link to the UF Libraries' Homepage for Mobile Devices:

This is only for iPhones/iTouch devices at this point in time.

This includes a link to the University's Computer Network Services' instructions for downloading the VPN on an iPhone. xxx is not the secret code. To get the real code go to will have to log in with your Gatorlink login and password.

If you need help  contact  352-392-help or  All I can do is read through their instructions, just like you.

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