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Drug Information Resources: Databases

Free Mobile apps & resources

There are many more websites or apps out there.  These are just the tip of the iceberg.  Unless I said there is a charge these are all free.   Some are the lite version of a product that is available
There is a Cisco Anyconnect VPN App available through the App Store.  Go to  for instructions on getting this app and setting up the VPN on your iTouch or iPhone./  They don't have instructions set up for Droids yet. 
1. PubMed for Handhelds and Mobile phones: 
(This version is not linked to our holdings) 

2. AccessPharmacy: After you have created a MyAccessPharmacy login and password, go to http://www.Accesspharmacy,com.  It will recognize that you
are on a handheld and will ask you to log in using your MyAccessPharmacy login.  It is not the full database, but does include the drug information and Dipiros.  
3. AIDSinfor for mobile phones from NIH:  .  Includes a glossary, information on AIDS drugs for professionals, patients and in Spanish.   
4.. MDConsult Mobile: (This is a web based product not an app)
      1.  Go to http:// from a computer within your institution. 
      2.  Click on Create an Account on the top right. 
      3.  Complete the registration form and create a unique username and password.  Then, click on
           Continue to submit your information. 
      4.  Logout of MD Consult. 
      5.  Using the web browser on your mobile device, go to MD Consult Mobile (  Login to MD Consult Mobile from your mobile browser using your new personal login.
5.  Micromedex Mobile
   For instructions:  click on the word Mobile that is to the right of "MICHROMEDEX 2.0
       Free mobile app available through the iTunes App store is available to UF students, faculty and staff  since we subscribe.
       Free mobile drug interactions app available through the iTunes App store.
       Follow the directions on the website.  
      There is web access available for Blackberry and Androids
6. Free iphone/iTouch apps ( if you are a registered user
   Epocrates ( free  version)
   Johns Hopkins ABX Vaccines ( There is a  charge for the mobile version of  full Johns Hopkins ABX  database)
   PubMed on Tap Lite - free
         full version $2.99
         Searches PubMed & will link to the full text if we subscribe and you have the VPN turned on.


Other Resources

Online Drug Monographs

For more information about these and other databases go to Databases .  Our subscriptions appear first in this list. These lists are not complete. For more resources go to the lists in the additional sources box. They also do not include Lexicomp and Drug Facts which are available for pharmacy students, staff and faculty through the College.  If you need help finding these two databases contact the Student Affairs office or check My.Cop.. 

Databases: Search the literature

For more information about these and additional databases go to Databases .   

Herbal & Natural Products

UF and websites with information on herbal and natural products. Remember the drug databases also contain information on herbals.  COP students - The Drug Facts & Comparisons and Lexicomp databases contain information on herbal products as do the other drug databases ( Clinical Pharmacology Online and Micromedex)

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Lauren Adkins
Health Science Center Libraries
PO Box 100206
Gainesville, FL
Subjects: Medicine, Pharmacy

Additional Sources

There are two documents. One contains databases to which UF subscribes and the 2nd one is a list of free websites that you might find useful after you graduate, including ones that contain free full text journal articles.

You need to double check the commercial drug information sites for their authoritativeness and currency. Check with your instructor for the acceptability of the .com sites before using for an assignment.

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