Ramona Caponegro (2022-2025/SASC)
Chelsea Dinsmore (2021-2024/TSS)
Mary Edwards (2021-2024/HSCL)
Rachael Elrod (2023-2026/DL)
Melody Royster (2022-2025/MSL)
Stacey Ewing (2022-2025/LW)
Sabbatical/FEO Committee
Charge: The charge of the Sabbatical Selection Committee is to evaluate all the leave applications and to select those recipients for consideration for the award of a professional development leave or sabbatical. No more than one faculty member in each department needs to be granted leave at one time. The report of this committee will be sent to the Dean.
Composition: Members of the Sabbatical Committee must be tenured, full-time faculty. They are nominated by the Library Faculty Assembly (LFA) Nominating Committee and elected in the Spring Semester at the same time as other LFA elections occur. The committee members select the chairperson.
Term: Committee members shall serve three-year terms.
Sabbatical/FEO Application & Timeline Information:
Updated: 11/09/2023 - sre