Environmental & Global Health

Suggested resources for environmental, occupational and global health

General Country Informatoin


Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies . International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies.Summaries at this page, past conference proceedings on Science Direct.

Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility: Workshop Summary. 2007. Myron Harrison and Christine Coussens, Rapporteurs, Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine.  


Miscellaneous Online Resources

Global Legal Informaiton Network GLIN members (governmental agencies and international organizations) contribute original-language, officially published, full text documents in electronic format. The summaries that accompany each document are for reference and retrieval purposes and should not be relied upon for legal counsel. Full-text (not available for all documents) in PDF format.

NationMaster Central data source that generates maps and graphical comparisons of nations from CIA World Factbook, UN and OECD.

Miscellaneous tools

Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles 2011 - Info about NCDs in 193 countries, such as proportion of deaths due to diseases like cancer, heart and lung diseases, diabetes.

Supercourse: (Adapted from annotation in U Wisconsin's Internet Scout Repotrt 2/3/12:) Created by  staff members at WHO's Collaborating Center at the University of Pittsburgh..."a repository of lectures on global health and prevention designed to improve the teaching of prevention." Experts include over 56,000 scientists in 174 countries who have produced well over 5,000 lectures in 31 languages.Includes Lecture of the Week on the homepage, a search the lectures feature (topics from "Urbanisation and spatial inequalities in health in Brazil and India" to "A Simple Model for Improving Global Health Education"), a Publications area (see where some work offered here has been published over the years) and a Special Lectures area, which offers some of the Supercourse Golden Lectures, including talks in Chinese, Arabic, Croatian, and Albanian.

Bibliographic databases (like PubMed)

  • African Index Medicus from World Health Organization.
  • Regional Office for Africa - Institutional  Repository for Information Sharing
  • African Journals Online (all topics--not necessarily related in any way to health)
  • CABI: CAB Abstracts and Global Health - available through the UF HSCL's Databases page under CAB. A good source for animal and agriculture literature.
  • EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network freely available resources contributed, created and translated by health professionals focusing on Central & Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
  • Europa World Plus  Economic, political, geographic background info and statistical data for 250 countries and territories.  Available to UF (see "All library databases A-Z list if link above fails)
  • LILACS health scientific-technical literature published by Latin American and Caribbean authors since 1982.
  • IndMed covers prominent peer-reviewed Indian biomedical journals
  • IMEMR Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region 
  • Index Islamicus is a database on the Ebsco Host platform of literature on all topics (especially religion, culture) from Islamic countries/cultures. 


Disease and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2nd ed. 2006. Jamison, Dean T.; Feachem, Richard G.; Makgoba, Malegapuru W.; Bos, Eduard R.; Baingana, Florence K.; Hofman, Karen J.; Rogo, Khama O., Eds. Washington (DC): The World Bank.

Disease Control Priorities in the Developing Countries. 2006. Dean T. Jamison, Joel G. Breman, Anthony R. Measham, George Alleyne, Mariam Claeson,David B. Evans, Prabhat Jha, Anne Mills, Philip Musgrove, Eds.  Washington (DC): IBRD/The World Bank and Oxford University Press.

Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors. 2006. Alan D. Lopez, Colin D. Mathers, Majid Ezzati, Dean T. Jamison, Christopher J. L. Murray, Eds. Washington (DC): IBRD/The World Bank and Oxford University Press.

Pan American Health Organization Publications.  

Improving Access to Medicines for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Developing World. 2011.Rand Corporation.

International data sets

Data UK http://data.gov.uk/ 

Global Health Data Exchange Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle. Catalog for demographic, public heatlh and global health data., including population census data, surveys, registries, indicators and estimates, administrative health data and financial data related to health.  


USAID's PREDICT HealthMap - Global distribution of relative risk of emerging infectious zoonotic disease

HealthMap Local tab: suppposedly auto-detects your location and provides ongoing infectious disease alerts and local public health researouces from your area. Also has a sign-up for customized email alerts. News tab showcases The Disease Daily, which summarizes important outbreaks and provides articles by HealthMap staff(?) that give deeper content for the outbreak news.

World Education Stats

World Data on Education from UNESCO International Bureau of Education

Multilingual PH dictionary

Elsevier's Dictionary of Public Health  - WA13 D286e - 1976 print reference (non-circulating) book that gives equivalent terms/phrases pertinent to public health in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch (and English) 

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