Environment and Society Portal Rachel Carson Center's collection of open access archival as well as multimedia material, short essays, and websites appropriate for scholars, educators and interested members of the general public, The Contents tab leads to "Virtual Exhibitions" where materials are grouped by theme, and Arcadia, a series of short, peer-reviewed essays on various environmental history topics. Exploration Tools includes a timeline tool (in beta as of 11/17) created using the Wellcome Library's open source timeline.
Earth: A Global Map of Wind, Weather, and Ocean Conditions earth.nullschool.net Software engineer Cameron Beccario created this website, which allows visitors to view a, "near real-time visualization of global weather conditions." Using data from a number of sources, including the Global Forecast System (GFS), the Ocean Surface Current Analyses Real-time (OSCAR) database, Real-Time Global Sea Surface Temperature (RTGSST) analysis, and more, Beccario has designed an animated, interactive globe. Visitors can choose from a variety of modes (air, ocean, chem[ical], and particulates) in order to view near real-time model information. Within each mode, visitors may also select from a subset of the model's data (e.g. in the "air" mode, visitors can choose to view wind data or temp[erature] data, among other options.) Visitors can also adjust how they view these global models using the projection or overlay options. (Blurb from The Scout Report Vol 24 No. 4 1/25/18 scout@scout.wisc.edu )
CDC's Environmental Health (general) and National Center for Environmental Health
CDC's Environmental Health Tracking Network
FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Research Publications
Florida Geographic Data Library
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory This lab provides studies for Dept of Energy and its Office of Biological and Environmental Resources. Content is organized into Atmospheric aerosol systems, Biosystems dynamics & design, Molecular transformations and Terrestrial and subsurface ecosystems.
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