Environmental & Global Health

Suggested resources for environmental, occupational and global health


Toxnet - National Library of Medicine's collection of environmentally relevant databases.

Access through the FIND-Databases page (Need to link through UF libraries and authenticate your status as UF student, faculty or staff)

CAB Abstracts (agriculture) database - access through the FIND-Databases page

Natural Science Collection in the ProQuest suite of databases.  Agricola (agriculture, rural from National Agriculture Library), Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (indoor environments), many of the databases within the Biological Sciences group of databases, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management and PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) International for the public affairs/policies/politics aspect of environmental issues.

Global/Internatoinal Health

World Health Organization IRIS (Institutional Repository for Information Sharing) Free.

CABI: CAB abstracts (basic science, agriculture) and Global Health (UF users only)


Occupational Health

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

NIOSH Directory of Publications & Products

SafetyLit Injury Prevention Lit. Not specifically occupational injury, not a bibiliographic database.

WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System) from CDC.  Not specifically occupational injury, not a bibiliographic database.

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