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ASERL Center of Excellence (COE) Database: Import MARC Records

Instructions for using the ASERL Center of Excellence (COE) Database


All partner libraries agree to contribute records for holdings of as many identified COE agencies as possible. While it would be ideal to do so, partner libraries are not expected to inventory and catalog items outside their COE area. Rather, the expectation is that the contributed records reflect the library's existing catalog data for their FDLP collections.

Sources for catalog records include, but are not limited to, the Government Printing Office’s CGP, OCLC database, Paratext database, records from the Marcive Inc. WebDocs database; and records derived from printed/online Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (MoCat).

Participating libraries are expected to regularly update the ASERL COE database after any additions to their collection. Updates constitute the only way that a complete “universe” of available records is established.As the known universe of records increases more accurate gap analysis can be performed.

Note:  Prior to importing records for the first time, please contact Cheryle Cole-Bennett at



Refer to the Shared Documents tab for a list of required fields for the database, as well as examples of exporting/editing processes for various ILS systems.


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