The UF Conference Department can provide event support. Basic services are minimal and include:
Additional services (at additional cost) may also include:
Most conferences hosted by the Libraries utilize the basic registration services. Once the contract is signed, Conference Services will email you a program/event form that includes account information. Forward that form to Library Fiscal Services. Fiscal will work with Conference Services to post all purchases to the program account. Library Fiscal Services unit will also work with Conference Services to transfer the remaining balance to Smathers Library accounts after all receipts have processed.
Complementary Registration: Consider offering invited speakers complementary registration which can be coordinated by Conference Services. Complementary registration helps maintain accurate head counts while also reducing the overall costs of the conference.
Questions to include in registration form:
Dietary Needs:
I request mobility assistance to attend conference events
Please send me information on childcare providers
Conference Services will ask you to provide an appropriate refund policy for your event. Examples of refund policies are available: